[center][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/MeganPhantom/holland_zps61a883f2.png[/IMG][/center] [center][url=http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/MeganPhantom/Ambre_Mermaid_Performer_420525581.jpg]t a i l[/url][/center] [center]Mara[/center] [center]18[/center] [center]Mermaid[/center] [center]Family consists of: Ronan, her father and soon to be leader of their pod; Kali, her mother; Aron and Zale, her older brothers; Calder, her grandfather and currently leader of their pod; Lea, her grandmother; Bradan, her great-grandfather.[/center] [center]Growing up under the sea, Mara had always heard tales of the vicious humans that lived on dry land. They trapped merfolk, killed them or put them on display, and her mother swore to her that her own great grandmother had become entangled in one of the human's nets and had never been seen again. This was why her great grandfather had dedicated their pod to protecting their kind from the humans in anyway possible. Even though the stories of humans and their savagery had always frightened her as a child, Mara could not help the curiosity about the surface world that began to fill her as she grew older. Under the water it was always dark and cold, but on the surface there was sunlight and warmth. And the humans she saw at a distance, though intimidating, started seeming mysterious to her. More colorful and lively. She's secretly gone up to the surface to bask in the sun for years, and recently started venturing towards the shore, cautiously edging a little bit closer each time. But she'd never dare approach a human. Not on purpose, at least.[/center]