And the first IC post is up. I basically setup a format of how everyone should post. wake up, reaction to initial wake up, recall events leading up to knock out, then escape back to base. After everyone posts something like this we'll move on. Also, I want to address something. Ryver asked me how the personal arcs fit into the story, so here how this is going to work. We're going to be doing an "episodic" format of sorts. This is the first "episode" and this whole episode will basically just establish everyone realizing and learning how to use their powers. Then the next episode will be one of our characters personal arc, in which that RP'er will be running the RP during that period. Then we switch back to an episode that involves the whole group as the main cast, then back to a personal arc, and we go back and forth until we get to my character's personal ac, which will tie into the "season finale" of sorts, get what I mean?