Cyder had been waiting outside the bar for some time, hidden from prying eyes. He couldn't decide if he truly wished to enter the building or not. A red apple is tossed carelessly between two hands while he thinks, head tilting from side to side to follow the motion of the apple. Currently his black bit of cloth was shaped like a jacket, a very large jacket. The hood hung well over his eyes, the sleeves were far too long for his arms, and with how he was currently balled up, it looked like he was in a very large dress! The end of the jacket went to his feet. But as he stood up, the length of the jacket past his knees would start to detract. Within a couple of moments, the black fabric was shrunk back up to just past his hips. Though the hood and the sleeves seemed to remain quite long, not that he really cared about how he looked. Without skipping a beat he turns to head towards the door, but stops short. He now clutched the apple in his grasp, it was a wonder how the fruit didn't crumble. To enter the bar or not to enter the bar, that was the question. He had been here before, it hadn't been to bad. A bit boring, but it wasn't chaotic anything... Cyder suddenly found himself pacing back and forth, switching the apple between his pale hands. He quickly stopped though, counting out loud. "One... two... four... seven... eleventeen... fiftyteen..." He manages out before sucking in a rather sharp breath, he opens the door and slips into the bar. Even after all these years, he still couldn't count correctly unless he was counting souls. His bare feet skimmed over the floor was he walked directly towards the bar itself, tugging his hood down a bit more to shadow his face better. But anyone who had decent eyesight would still be able to see his porcelain white skin, it was a small relief to have everything covered aside from the tops of his bare feet, though. He still didn't like shoes, even in this day and age... and that was not likely to change anytime soon. He didn't dare toss a glance anywhere else in the bar as he slid onto one of the stools. He sat quite contently though as he leaned against the bar, quite easily preoccupying himself with the apple as he sets it on the counter and starts to lightly roll it between his sleeve covered hands.