Hello there! This looks pretty cool! Is there still room for a few more? I made an entry just in case. Also, If you need me to nade a submission for Faust, please let me know. [b]Name:[/b] Ezekial Wolffe [b]Alias:[/b] "That sounds stupid!" [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Class:[/b] Hunter [b]Level:[/b] 27 [b]Combat Mode:[/b] Energy Melee [b]Core Ability:[/b] Soul Manipulation: Ezekial has the uncanny ability to observe and attack the souls of others directly this means that his attacks would mostly ignore unspecialized armor, since the attack would be riding on the plane that the soul resides. However, the ability leaves him without armor protection as well, which is why he prefers not to bother with it most of the time.. This also allows him to weaponize his aura to the point where it could be visible to others who don't share his talent. As an added bonus, he can kill ghosts. [b]Weapon:[/b] Nothing but his own fists and aura. (could that change during the RP?) [b]Appearance:[/b] Ezekial seems just about as slightly-better-than-average as anyone could get. With slightly-higher-than-average height, slightly-larger-than-average build, even a slightly better than average house, he seems like just another slightly-more-fit-than-average guy. He wears Faded blue jeans, black sneakers, a black cotton jacket, and a white T-shirt. There [i]are[/i] a few defining qualities that defines him as a main character, His silvery grey hair for instance. It makes him look much older than he actually is. His red eyes make him look like there's some sort of monster inside of him, and you never see his palms. He always covers them with fingerless gloves, even when its way too hot out. [b]History:[/b] Ezekial has been moving from home to home all his life with his only known living relative, his father. This man, who people only know as Faust, never liked to stay in one place for too long. Nobody evers sees much of his father either. Hos neighbors almost never see him come home from work, go grocery shopping, or even go to PTA meetings! (Then again, who bothers going to PTA meetings anyway?) Despite this, Ezekial seemed to be allowed to live life normally. He went to school, hung out with friends, and raised his stats just like any other teen. Recently, he and his father have moved here, of all places. What could Mr. Faust possibly need to here, and what kind of crazy life would Ezekial be leading here? [b]Stats[/b]: Strength: 20 (speed) Intelligence: 13 Willpower: 15 Regeneration: 11