Kaelyn watched with James on her side, in awe as the other contestants danced. She had no idea how well Kathryn and Lee meshed with each other, especially comparing his massive bulk to her slim, cheerleader figure. Yet they moved in perfect sync with each other and the music seemed to be moving with them instead of the other way around. Kaelyn wanted to win, as was always part of her competitive and fiery personality. But, right now, she was smiling and cheering with the crowd. Fun. Having fun. Another friend of hers, Erica went up and danced wildly with her "friend" Ryan. The fast pace and up-close and personal style of their movements was consistent with the fiery and passionate redhead that was Erica. They could win with a dance like that, and it puzzled her that they left for the exit once the dance was over. Kaelyn laughed to herself. "What?" James asked. Kaelyn smirked. "If they want to know the results of the contest, then it better be a quickie." James chuckled at her comment before both of their eyes turned back to the the dancefloor where Katrina and Landon took center stage from all of the attentive looks stemming from the crowd. A lot of cat calls and whistles, and giggles from girls towards Landon. Of course, there were just as many, if not more for Katrina. She looked stunning, like absolute royalty. Kaelyn had to admit she looked something like a traditional 1700s noblewoman. Regal, elegant, and absolutely gorgeous. And then the music came on, and everyone was entranced by the performance Katrina and Landon put on. They looked like they were meant for each other. Or so that's how Kaelyn felt watching them. But, although the thought saddened her, she could still smile and watch happily with the rest of the crowd. Letting her voice resonate with theirs as they sang along with the lyrics. "This is our story..." But whose story was it? Landon and Katrina's? Landon and Kaelyn's? Or both? When it came to a close, thunderous applause rang throughout the room. Once the cute couple stepped off the floor, James and Kaelyn looked at eachother. James with his cocky, calm expression, wearing a perfect smirk on his face. He was like Landon, in fact, he seemed much like Kaelyn and Landon when they first met. "Ladies first." James said. Kaelyn laughed and gave him a playful smile. "Why aren't you such a gentleman." And they walked out onto the floor. All eyes on them. At this moment Kaelyn felt a little self-conscious about her choice of dress and avoided looks from some people. But, it all clicked in her head. Kaelyn confidently eyed down everyone looking at her with that playful, and secretly deviant smile of hers. She owned the moment. She had no idea what song would be played, as it was random. But that's what threw her off so much when it started playing. The music... The lyrics. Kaelyn had no idea she was even dancing. It felt natural. Like it was her song. "Bricks keep falling one by one..." It started slow, but the entire room could feel the deep reservoir of emotional energy from both the song, and Kaelyn's movements. She was one with the melody emanating from the speakers. James and Kaelyn were face to face, dancing in a way it seemed like they knew each other forever. At least that's how it looked. But, she danced as though she were dancing with Landon. The one person she trusted most. "Cause we can't save our house of hearts..." The music continued. All in attendance could only sit in silence, unlike the other contestants, their performance was personal on all levels. Touching everyone in the audience, moving them to utter silence. The build-up. The chorus hit. And once the beat sped up, a strange contradiction of flow occurred. While Kaelyn and James appeared to sway and gyrate faster, they still felt like the world passed by in slow motion. Like a scene captured by the flash of a camera, the moment lasted forever. It even caught on to Kaelyn when the song slowly faded to its end. Everyone in the crowd could see the reflections of light bouncing off her face, revealing crystalline-like trails dripping down her face. When the song stopped, Kaelyn took a deep breath and wiped her face quickly with her hand. Looking out to the crowd with James. Hoping Landon didn't catch that, but, the entire room probably did. Now it was time to wait for Katrina to go up and see who the winner was. Landon had been by the punch bowl. He was afraid watching Kaelyn dance... with another guy... would stir up some emotions he did not need that night. It was for the better, anyway. He did hear the song though, clear as a whistle. What was peculiar was that the crowd was dead silent. That was either a very good sign or a very bad sign. Perhaps both. But when the music finally stopped, Landon slowly made his way back to where Katrina was standing. "How were they?" he asked, sipping at his cup, trying to look relaxed. Katrina had seen the tears on her friend's face and was a little bit concerned. She didn't feel it was right to tell Landon, though. He didn't look like he needed it. "They did very good," Katrina said simply with a shrug. "Pretty hard to beat." Landon nodded, as that was a typical Kaelyn move. Coming in for the kill, as usual. "Well, I gotta go up to the mic for a second. Make sure to cheer real loud for us, okay?" Landon nodded with a laugh and Katrina clicked on her high heels up to the microphone. "What performances!" she said. The crowd roared in agreement. "But there can only be one winner..." she continued. "Who will it be?!" After the crowd settled down again, Katrina called out the first couple: "Let's hear it for Kathryn and Lee!" The crowd responded with decent cheering, whooping, and clapping; out of ten it was around a six or seven. Not bad at all. "How about the lovely Erica and Ryan?" The crowd began to cheer, but Katrina cut in, looking around. "Wait, where are they?" The crowd stopped its cheering and the attendees looked among themselves for the duo. "They're banging!" someone screamed. "Well I certainly hope it was worth being disqualified!" Katrina said. The crowd laughed and she continued. "What about Landon and me?" The crowd's reaction came out to be around an eight or a nine. Katrina blushed modestly at their enthusiasm. It was a huge self-esteem booster, though she already knew what their reaction would be to the next couple on the list. Kaelyn had managed to excuse herself from James for a little bit. She decided it would be nice to go and check with Landon. What kind of friends don't talk for an entire night at a formal? So, she did what she always liked doing. Sneaking up on him as though she were some kind of a ninja. Slowly, with a grin on her face, Kaelyn crept up behind Landon. Noticing he had a cup in his hand. Perfect scare moment. Getting up real close, Kaelyn put her hands on his shoulders and gave them a quick squeeze. "Boo!" She said, laughing. But, of course, her make-up looked a bit off from her tears. Even though she had fixed it a little bit. Nevertheless, her smile was still brilliant and gleaming. Laughing happily from scaring Landon for kicks. Landon nearly choked on his punch and had to cough a couple times to get all the liquid out of his windpipe. He turned around to face his assailant and saw it was Kaelyn. "What the shit?" he asked, though his tone wasn't angry. "Why can't you ever just say, 'Hi, Landon, I'm a dumbass!'?" She stuck her tongue out him. "Haterrr." Kaelyn replied in a mock Kanye West accent that was pretty awful. "Also, I don't like to tell lies. Well. At least. Not anymore." Kaelyn giggled. "You and Katrina were pretty great on the floor out there. Looked like a royal couple." Landon shrugged casually. "I'm not much of a dancer," he said, not making eye contact with her. "But you know..." He paused for a second and turned to her. "I don't think the two of us have ever danced, you know." Kaelyn smirked playfully at his suggestion. She put her hands on her hips and stuck them out seductively, still with a grin on her face. "Well, you know. We could make up for that lost time once Katrina finishes. We could switch partners." Landon smiled. "I'd like that," he said simply. Just a few moments later, Katrina called out the last couple: "Kaelyn and James!" The crowd exploded into emotional cheers. It completely broke the scale. It was expected of Kaelyn, and neither Landon nor Katrina minded. "I think we have a winning couple!" Katrina called out over her still-cheering peers. "Hold on a second." Kaelyn said and left Landon for a moment. Kaelyn and James went up on stage to Katrina and received their prizes. They bowed to the crowd who was still cheering. Kaelyn took the mic. "Alright, let's rock the ceiling off this place!!!" And the crowd just erupted as the music came back on and everyone danced with a lot of enthusiastic passion. Kaelyn and James returned over to where Katrina was now with Landon. "Hey Katrina, would you mind if I borrowed Landon for a few dances? We can switch and you can take James here for a spin. He's a great dancer. And so very handsome, don't you think so Landon?" She said, smirking, ever the merciless tease. "Uhh..." Landon said, not really sure how to respond. "Yes?" Katrina shook her head, giggling at him. "Yes, you may borrow my little toy, just make sure you don't break him, mmkay?" She smiled at Kaelyn, and, on a whim, reached forward and hugged her close. "I'm glad you're okay," she whispered over the music. Kaelyn was surprised by the hug. "Oh wow, you're going to make me cry again." She smiled. "But don't you worry, I'm completely okay. And, I just wanted to say... I'm sorry. For... well. Being a completely cold, frigid, emotionless bitch? Yeah. I think that covers it." Katrina was quiet for a moment and pulled away from the hug. She glanced over at James and turned back to Kaelyn with a devious smile playing on her lips. "Consider us even," she said with a wink, but then she laughed. "Just kidding, of course. Let me know when you want to trade back... If I'm willing!" She poked Landon on the chest and flashed Kaelyn one last, warm smile before walking off to James for a dance. She laughed at Katrina's comments. Happy they were back to their tight friendship that would hopefully build back to be even stronger. Back to the witty back and forths they always had. Katrina was like Kaelyn's friend version of Landon. At last, Kaelyn went up to Landon and wrapped her arm through Landon's. "Oh, how forward of you," Landon said, drawing back just a little. "Proper etiquette dictates..." he took her hands off him but held her palms in his. "...that you ask me politely to a dance." Kaelyn smirked at him. Still playing that back and forth game they played. But this time, much more enjoyable. She eyed him seductively, making sure to stand in as sexy a stance as she could. Which was just about any considering her dress. But the one she chose amplified it. "Do I look like a proper lady? I'm a woman. And I think I'll just go dance in this mess of people all alone if you don't want me grinding on you in ways you've never thought possible." She said with cool countenance, in a sultry tone of voice. Kaelyn turned around slowly, and swayed her hips walking onto the dance floor, moving her hips in all the right ways. Teasing him. Landon watched her rear for only a moment before stepping forward and catching hold of her wrist just before she could get away. "Now why do you always have to be such a tease?" he asked in a mock, pouting voice. "Why don't you just humor me?" "Are you not humored, Sir Landon?" She asked, imitating an old southern lady's accent. Again, doing it awfully. "I was sure you watched my rear for a moment there. Or am I mistaken?" "Well," he replied, "I can say I certainly wasn't the only one. When you walk around like some hula-dancer, people are gonna look at your ass. Didn't you pay attention in physics class? Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. The bigger the mass, the bigger the attraction." He winked at her and nodded at her baskside. Kaelyn burst into laughter at his comment. She also got a little bolder in thinking of small ways to throw out hints of her affection for him. "You and your science pick-up lines. I'm beginning to think that you're some huge closet nerd. But then again, you already knew I was a long time ago." She said to him. "Now. Care to dance and teach me more about your scientific theory on emotions. And how we can't choose them? I'm starting to think you were right." Kaelyn said, revealing no more than that as she went to the dance floor again. It took a moment to process what exactly she was hinting out. But suddenly, before his eyes, vividly, he saw the two of them standing outside a cabin on a summer day. She was wearing sunglasses and jogging gear, looking particularly bitchy and irritable. He looked like he had just woken up. The two of them were arguing about something... Yes... That's right! It was... Landon reached forward and, this time, caught her on the shoulder. "Just what are you trying to say?" he asked carefully. She wondered if he would get the hint, and it was answered as he grabbed her shoulder. Spinning her around to face him. Kaelyn watched those piercing blue eyes as they stared into her own. Kaelyn gulped. She was trembling in his arms, thinking about the words she was about to say. Her heart leaping out of her chest. "I... I think you know, Landon." Kaelyn said. She brushed her hair back. "Landon. I-- I'm... Well." Kaelyn kissed him on the lips, pulling him in close for a deep kiss that lasted for but a moment, but seemed so much longer. "I'm falling in love with you. I am IN love with you." She said it, not believing it. "I love you, Landon Reyes. Every god damn thing about you." It felt like his heart stopped. It felt like time stopped. For a second, he was almost dizzy. Did he just hear her say what he thought he heard...? He was in a daze. He had no idea what to say or how to say it. He was completely speechless. "I—I... Kaelyn... I..." He couldn't fnd the right words. "Wh—Are you...—But... Kaelyn..." Kaelyn grabbed Landon's hand and walked him away from the dancefloor. They went outside where there was a nice balcony overlooking the landscape. "You don't have to say it back... I can get over it if you want to be with Katrina. Uhh..." Kaelyn looked down, and then back to him. "I just wanted to say it. Because it's true. It's been true ever since you said it at camp. I was just afraid. Landon, I love you. Even more, I trust you. I don't want to hide from this. For the first time, you have my heart in your hands. I'm letting you in." "...Why?" Was all he could manage to get out. He was genuinely curious. "Why do you trust me?" "Landon..." She let out a slight laugh. "You said it to me back then. Put your heart in my hands and I crushed it I know... And I've been sorry ever since. The way you drive me insane by being an idiot. The way you look into my eyes. It's everything Landon. I love it when you're around me, I feel butterflies in my stomach I swear. The way you held me at that beach. You saved MY life, Landon..." Katrina had seen the two walk off together. In all honesty, it did pain her to see Landon walk off. It really did. But she knew, deep down, that the two were destined to be together. She couldn't interfere with that. She was just glad that the two of them still cared about her. That was the most important thing. Landon stared at her eyes, and for the first time ever, they were not mysterious. They were soft, loving, and open to love, if he was willing to love in return. "Kaelyn..." he began... "I've never stopped loving you." He reached up and pulled her face in for a kiss.