[i]Co-GMed by Cyclone and Lugubrious. Most of the information you need to know is in the OOC's first post, so if you're new I recommend you go there.[/i] [url=http://s25.postimg.org/50u62ise7/Globe_and_Map_Dungeons.png]Map of Elysium[/url] This map contains coordinates and named landmarks. When describing locations, it would be helpful if you incorporated those. Do also account for distance. You're not going to march across 1000 kilometres in only a day. Also note that major cities have populations between 100,000 and 1,500,000, and a proportionally large military force including spell-casters, so conquest of such a place will invariably be a major undertaking. [u][b]Compendium[/b][/u] This is a log of all the information we create in this world, to be used to ensure consistency. It will contain primarily an overview of each of your Keepers and their Dungeons, for the convenience of player interaction, but it shall also contain information on notable locations and NPC groups. It would be greatly appreciated if, when there is cause for there to be a new Compendium entry, you would write it yourself and append it to the end of your post. The descriptions of locations are presently very basic descriptions. When you visit a location, flesh it out and add more details. [b]Players[/b] [u]DR_TRAPEZOID[/u] [list] [*][i]Viktor[/i] - A Keeper. Not held by human chains, Viktor has put his essence into a massive machine adorning his laboratory. The massive machine hangs from the ceiling by various wires and pipes, and is capable of rotating around the room. Many arms branch off of it, each equipped with multiple tools, for the creation of whatever his heart desires. Adorning his neck is a fine mask, pure white, with gently curving features, rather unnerving when looked at directly. Viktor has a very one-track mind, and thinks of little more than conquering everything he can get his hands on. He builds an army of nightmarish beasts, roughly patched together combinations of man, magic, and machine.[/*] [*][i]Dungeon[/i] - N60°W05°. A small stone castle and town in the tundra some distance north-east from Altearx.[/*] [*][i]Imps[/i] - These imps stand shorter than most imps, and they slouch. They have rough skin with a mellow grey tone, as opposed to the bright red skin of normal imps. Their limbs are short and stocky, sporting large claws and feet, suited for construction and digging, not combat. Their incessant chatter is a strange garble, mixing multiple languages, and talking far too fast to be understood. Their eyes are hidden behind carved wooden masks, giving them an unsettling stare.[/*] [*][i]Ogre[/i] - First minion. A hideously contorted being, with calloused skin stretched over a stone skeleton. One arm is a shrivelled stump, the other a massive meaty club-like limb, and the legs are stubby. Clothed in nothing but a loincloth and a narrow-visored metal helmet covering an otherwise exposed brain and skinless face. May be armed with crude metal weapons.[/*] [*][i]Stamrad[/i] - First construct. Stamrad is little more than a shell of armour, housing the intelligence of 25 soldiers. Tactics is his strong suit, however he can hold his own in battle. His strength is no more than that of a normal soldier, and he has no magical power whatsoever. When standing behind his men, shouting commands, he becomes a force to be reckoned with.[/*] [*][i]Skeletons[/i] - Second minion. Skeletons sporting pure black bones, and a single arm augmented with metal. Instead of a skull, they have a metal helmet, with a faint glow from with-in. These creatures are designed to strike quickly with their spears. Though weak, they combust upon death, making them lethal in close quarters.[/*] [*][i]Minotaurs[/i] - Third minion. Beasts made from the corpse of a musk-ox, these heavily muscled bi-pedals have no intelligence above that primal instinct that drives most animals. Their strength has been heavily augmented, making them a force to be reckoned with. They aren't currently armed with anything more than the sharp ivory horns crowning their skull.[/*] [*][i]Walking Ballistae[/i] - Fourth creature. The walking ballistae are naught more than ballistae resting upon thick pillars of meat, allowing them to move around. This makes them wonderful tools of war, though they are not very bright. They need to be operated by skeletons, and are extremely vulnerable to magic, as is most of Viktor's army.[/*] [*][i]The Patchwork Man[/i] - Viktor's second construct, this creature is simply cloth draped over machinery and flesh, shaped like a man. Designed to blend with the normal masses, it wears a large brown cloak masking most of its features. In case of hostile confrontation, a great magical light can shine from his flat glass eyes, stunning aggressors momentarily. A large zipper crosses his chest, that can be opened to reveal his insides. He has been enchanted to be able to hold far more within those recesses than one might think. Can hold a large number of minions within his recesses, to be released from within unsuspecting settlements.[/*] [*][i]Broken Beasts[/i] - Fifth minion. Once the perfect soldier, armed to the teeth, the blueprint was corrupted, leaving them grotesquely deformed. Seemingly just a mass of flesh, charred and burnt with skin calloused and scarred into a stone hard shield. Many bony limbs protrude out, capable of little more locomotion than flailing about angrily. They do keep many remnants of their previous selves in the new marred form. They are very flammable, though unable to control this. Their most noteworthy power is the venom that exudes from their claws and mouths. Imbued with the power from The Rippers meteor, this venom eats through most material, which allows the creatures to burrow through the ground unhindered. They fight by embedding themselves below their enemies feet, before jumping out in the midst of their ranks, flailing poisoned limbs about and causing chaos. Though they are not extremely intelligent by any standards, they are possibly the smartest of Viktor's army, able to strategically lay themselves in the perfect position to ruin the enemies formation.[/*] [*][i]Ifrit[/i] - Rogue Being. Serves Shaige. A beast of smoke, his horse-like body is augmented by a lizard-like skull with horns, and a massive, twisting tail. His skin is black and glassy like obsidian, and constantly exudes smoke. A faint amethyst light can be seen shining from behind his eyes. Previously known as the scion of the Infernal King, he has gone down in lore as a force to be reckoned with, spreading destruction at his master's whim. Today, he has been dismissed as a fairly tail. The beast is a massive thing, standing taller than many trees. His strength is nothing to be laughed at, however there is no intelligence behind the skull, nothing past obeying orders.[/*] [/list] [u]Cyclone[/u] [list] [*][i]Shaige[/i] - The ghost of a Keeper from another world. He was summoned into Elysium with no memories of his past life, though his extended stay in the Void gave him an unrivalled mastery over the the various types of black magic: blood, shadow, smoke, and soul. He is capable of taking several forms, though as a general rule, he is far weaker when he takes on an ethereal or invisible body. His true form is a humanoid mad of pure, coruscating violet light. Shaige prefers to cloak himself within a robe of pure shadow, though his amethyst eyes always peer out from within the hood. He is manipulative and Machiavellian, keeping everything from his goals to even his name a secret from his followers. Nonetheless, those who serve him are well rewarded and fiercely loyal.[/*] [*][i]Dungeon[/i] - N44°E12°. Shaige's dungeon is a sprawling, subterranean city. The entrance is in the side of a rocky hill, in the form of a narrow cave concealed with magic. Down below are many twisting corridors and chambers or varying size. Magical lighting is used, so as to not suffocate everyone inside the poorly ventilated cavern. The cave system is massive, and much of it is unused and unexplored. Shaige's dungeon heart is in a shrine room, deep below the surface and all the other rooms. The Heart is a corked bottle, containing a few ritual fragments including some imp blood.[/*] [*][i]Imp[/i] - Standard imps. The first of Shaige's came directly from Outremar and summoned him.[/*] [*][i]Pain Elemental[/i] - First minion. Made from a lost soul, cursed to eternal torture. To relieve itself from its suffering the pain elemental can either attack any living thing, temporarily transferring the pain onto their target and draining them of life-force, or kill itself, exploding in a ball of fire and anguish. They typically take the form of a glowing, wailing, fiery ball, and they turn into ghostly flaming forms of what they looked like in life when they attack.[/*] [*][i]Soran[/i] - First construct, an imp construct. Stands taller and stronger than other imps, with eyes that let out a carmine glow like dying coals. Wears a robe of darkness as a cloak, which might have let him pass for a human, if it weren't for the demon's burning gaze and sulphurous breath. Wields a long, black rod also made of shadows, with the end resembling the wheel of a cart with a small white moonstone gem faintly glowing red. Soft wisps of purplish, nearly ebony smoke drift from the tip of the staff, as if it were a candle. Soran is an emissary, taskmaster, steward and general of Shaige.[/*] [*][i]Zealot[/i] - Second minion. These are human followers of Shaige, with bodies that have been extremely augmented by magic. They are resilient to damage, and capable of marching for days without halt. Their extreme strength and stamina allows them to fight in heavy plate armour and move just as well as a normal, un-armoured human would. Their minds have also been enhanced, giving them inhuman reaction times as well as the ability to rapidly learn how to fight, if they have someone to teach them. Well trained and equipped, these heavy infantry would be capable of holding their own against any other human soldiers on Elysium, if not outright massacring them.[/*] [*][i]The Tormenter[/i] - Second construct. This monstrosity takes the form of a tall, gaunt humanoid. It has skin the colour of midnight, huge bat-like wings, and bulbous eyes that give it perfect sight in the dark at the cost of near blindness in daylight. It has a disproportionately large jaw full of dagger-like teeth, as well as razor-sharp talons and claws. Any creature of flesh that is wounded by the Tormenter will soon succumb to its potent venom. This gives the construct the ability to defend itself, though it instinctively hides and attempts to avoid fighting. The Tormenter's greatest power is its ability to dig into their minds. It can probe for information, attempt to possess them to varying degrees, or torment them with whispers and hallucinations in an attempt to induce insanity. The devious monster was created with the collective knowledge and wit of six humans, making its intelligence not to be underestimated.[/*] [*][i]Shadow Beasts[/i] - Third minion. These are the spirits, called loas, that were formerly worshipped by the Mutig tribe. Now, they are corrupted by black magic and bound into servitude to Shaige, the same Keeper that is now the patron spirit of the Mutig. The shadow beasts are weak to any form of light, and are not particularly resistant to magic. However, fighting them in close quarters would be a terrible mistake. Their ghostly forms are very difficult to damage with physical objects, yet their claws and teeth have no difficulty harming the living. The smallest of wounds from them delivers a deadly poison of magical nature, that quickly leads to unconsciousness and then a death by necrosis. Shadow beasts take the form of various animals, blanketed by writhing clouds of smoke and shadow. They possess the power to enter and exit the spirit realm, but doing so takes time and considerable effort.[/*] [*][i]Balon[/i] - Rogue Being. Serves Xir'ain. Once a guardian, placed by the creator of Elysium, at the bottom of the deepest part of the ocean to protect an unknown magical artefact. He rebelled numerous times, getting cursed numerous times. He attempted to send a plague to the surface world, but some of it splashed on one of his eyes, blinding that eye. For sending the plague, he was cursed to suffer that plague, and lost a second of his three eyes. Now that the creator is dead, the chains and curses which bound him have faded and he is free again. Balon is a giant, 6 yards tall, with three eyes. He wields an ancient and giant spear and shield. His curse turned his skin as black as coal and withered his muscles, and destroyed two of his eyes. If he gazes upon another being with those blind eyes the being's flesh rots and boils. Since being put under Xir'ain's service, his skin has become even darker and his strength is to some extent restored. A cowl of inky water is sown over his rot-causing eye, only to be removed at Xir'ain's direct command.[/*] [*][i]The Ripper[/i] - An entity that takes the form of a great, writhing ball of crimson light. His form is composed purely of destructive magic, and being in its presence is enough for matter to crumble and fall apart. Things that touch the Ripper aren't broken down, but rather wiped from existence. It destroys things compulsively and naturally, with a brazen disregard for life and the universe itself. Born from the destruction of the Weaver, a powerful guardian on Outremar tasked with maintaining the fabric of the universe, when the Weaver attempted to destroy the world to save the universe as a whole. The Ripper is the hatred and destruction which was left behind. Currently, the Ripper has corrupted the Source, Elysium's sun, turning it red and chaotic.[/*] [/list] [u]Lugubrious[/u] [list] [*][i]Clotho the Swarm Keeper[/i] - A low-born human girl called Nona was stung by an insect carrying the soul of a Keeper from an age long past, and the fusion of the two minds made her. A tall, lithe physical fighter that prefers speed to brute strength and is a master of bugs and parasites of all kinds. She is a foot taller than most men, with long arms and legs, and has a rather spiny, chitinous exoskeleton that is a dull brown-maroon in colour. Two gossamer rounded wings form into a cloak when not in use. A mohawk of sorts adorns her head, made of a rough, leathery material that resembles scales. Her favoured weapon is a barbed sabre, which goes in cleanly but is very messy coming out. Using the power from the Biomancers' Guild's amulet, she has improved armour and a needle-like protrusion from her arm called the Stinger. The Stinger is full of corrupted life magic, capable of delivering devious toxins once developed as well as being a potent tool for exerting her will.[/*] [*][i]Drone Imps[/i] - An insectoid form of imp, with mandibles, an extra pair of eyes and an extra pair of arms.[/*] [*][i]Dungeon[/i] - N16°W12°. A vast hive spanning the length, width, and height of a massive, ancient tree, the King Tree, in the jungle. The hive itself is constructed of a magically-created liquid that expands and hardens into a stiff, paper-like substance upon exposure to air. The main body of the hive is suspended by countless support struts that reach for hundreds of feet in every direction. The Dungeon Heart is situated at the very top of the tree. Bugs called Macula infest it, functioning as living security cameras and alarms.[/*] [*][i]Macula[/i] - A living security system. It is approximately a foot across and wide, with traits of both tick and cicada. It sports a thin carapace, murky brown-green in colour, that help to camouflage it, but its dominant feature is the huge eye in its abdomen, facing upward. This startling oculus resembles a human's, but with a sickly yellow hue and orange iris. They sound a large grating song to alert other Maculas when they see any intruders. Has the latent potential to serve as a long-range visual transmitter (ie. scrying).[/*] [*][i]Myrmidon[/i] - First minion. 6” tall, 4” long ant-centaur sort of thing. Though it does have a humanoid torso, it is still totally enclosed by a carapace that is tough, fibrous, and spiky all in one. Usually outfitted with both body-length shield and long spear, and can fight with claws and mandibles in close quarters. Built for survivability.[/*] [*][s][i]Scutra[/i][/s] - first construct. Now deceased. An outstanding imp was remoulded raw by Clotho's newly-acquired Stinger. By using her Heart as a means for controlling the otherwise cancerous transformation, Clotho created an imp with several traits of the mantis, including bladed sickles, sleek shell, bulging eye, and wings. Scutra's main tasks are to lead the relatively mindless drone imps in their projects and to concoct various toxins for use in Clotho's Stinger. Unerringly loyal, but also curious, smart, and a compulsive hoarder. Executed for cowardice and incompetency.[/*] [*][i]Antlion[/i] – second minion. Living siege engines. Six feet tall, six feet wide, and sixteen feet long, these huge bugs are sturdily built, with multi-coloured splotchy shells. They have four huge mandibles on their heads; these mandibles are incredibly dense and possess extraordinary strength, and are used for digging through the earth or tearing apart structures and enemies. The feet have high traction due their barbs and hairs. Physically powerful, but has negligible mental or magical capability. Though big and intimidating, Antlions' slowness and stupidity make them relatively poor fighters in sustained combat (though they can charge fairly quickly). The head, all muscle and no shell, is the weak spot—if you can get past the mandibles.[/*] [*][i]Invicta[/i] - second construct and replacement for Scutra. A female Myrmidon augmented chiefly by packing both cerebral and muscular tissue more closely together to increase surface area (and therefore functionality) without necessitating increased volume. As such, a lot of strength and noteworthy intelligence in an ordinary body. Wields two Vices, huge pincers modelled after the mandibles of Trapjaw Ants, situated on her arms. Can strike with incredible force, though equal kinetic force in recoil is dealt to Invicta.[/*] [*][i]Lambent[/i] - Third minion. Large fireflies with a few human traits. Decently intelligent, strong, and fast, though their dark brown exoskeletons cannot sustain much damage. They wield natural blades extended from their first two pairs of legs. Their bodies are full of chemicals that react to produce intense light. This light can be used to disorient foes, but the chemicals are even more useful when stored in their abdomens for use as glowing, caustic projectiles to rain down on foes from above.[/*] [*][i]Conquest[/i] - the Immolation of Hope and the First Horseman of the Apocalypse. Known by no other name. An animate golem of obsidian wreathed in flame, with impressive pyromancy. Wields the Cremator, a bound bow capable of firing several different payloads. Previously masqueraded as a travelling fire priest of Caldor; now masquerades as a Rogue Construct in the service of the Keeper Calvartem.[/*] [*][i]Famine[/i] – the Herald of Despair and the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse. Also called Moros. Taking the form of a pale, emaciated, red-haired northerner from Altearx, he wields the ability to drain the strength of others into himself in his quest to reunite the Horsemen. Carries an urn, which, after an infusion of his power, contains grains of rice that can become weak, skeletal minions called The Host.[/*] [*][i]Death[/i] – the Fate of Creation and the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse. Also called Escre. Little more than a shade at the moment, drawn to the life force of its kin.[/*] [*][i]Fury[/i] – the Kindling of Vengeance and one of the three Apocrypha of Elysium. Primarily called Eris Contiello. A human who presided over the gladiatorial Sand Pits of Anicetus as its administrator now travelling Elysium to discover her true purpose. Stocky, red of hair, stubborn, and strong of will, she remains somewhat dubious of the tale of the Horsemen, despite the best efforts of her 'brothers'. Wields the Sadist's Lash, a length of rope infused with her magic to become a spiked whip capable of tearing flesh from bone with ease.[/*] [*][i]Pestilence[/i] – The Scourge of Man and one of the three Apocrypha of Elysium. Primarily called Malady. Former leader of the Blighted Men and a witch doctor. Her black skin is heavily tattooed, and she is garbed in a sleeveless lavender robe accented by leather armor, putrid green lengths of cloth, and stained bandages. Holds an innate trust in the cause. A formidable aegromancer, capable of killing dozens with airborne diseases of her own creation. Wields a barbwire spear infused with her noxious powers.[/*] [/list] [u]|V|asterJay[/u] [list] [*][i]Xir’ain the Dark Abyss[/i] - A layer of black skin over a bottomless void, Xir’ain is the soul of an old keeper of the void, but he merged with the first thing he came into contact with in this world: water. Now he is of the abyss, the void at the bottom of the blackened sea. Though his body is close to that of a human, any who see him would be put off by some unnameable wrongness in the fluidity of his movements. His black skin pollutes all it touches, and his mouth is the bottomless pit of the night sky. To look into his eyes is to be reminded of your childhood fears of what lurked in the dark, and to lose the false notion that you had somehow conquered those fears. Considers the best way to figure out how something works is to dissect it.[/*] [*][i]Dungeon[/i] - S17°E02°. An underwater maze of black water, the only visible sign from above being a black lake with a diameter of a half mile. The tunnels spread just below the ground in all directions. Xir'ain has pretty much total control over the Dungeon, capable of manipulating the very walls and water to bind or tear apart intruders.[/*] [*][i]Aquatic Imp[/i] - Has same basic form as a normal imp, but its skin is the same as Xir’ain’s: black and oily. It has gills on its neck, its hands and feet are webbed, both made much larger, and it is given a large jaw.[/*] [*][i]Eel[/i] - First minion. It has the appearance of an eel, with the same black skin and yellow eyes as its creator, but its jaws are larger, made to swallow things much larger than itself. It has the same teeth as well, a thousand sharp needles all pointed inwards, made to pull in and never release out. Its metabolism is unsustainably fast, meaning it is always hungry, eating all that it can, never stopping eating, and not caring what it is that it is eating. Though shaped in the form of a carnivore, it will eat anything to fill its stomach.[/*] [*][i]Runner[/i] - Second minion. Similar black inky skin and glowing golden eyes as the eels, but smaller, thinner and sleeker than the eels and with legs. Designed from a cheetah, it is very fast, although made to be even faster and much more agile than a cheetah. Like the eels, it can swim through water as fast as it could run on land, and also slip seamlessly from one to the other. Also has a powerful long tail, tipped with a very sharp blade-like crest.[/*] [*][i]Enly'air[/i] - First Construct. Made to save the live of the dying human girl by the name of Enly. Her body is the same as when she was human, but the skin is more pale, almost white, and the iris of her eyes is grey rimmed with gold. She wears a black dress made from the inky black water of Xir'ain's dungeon. Xir'ain gave her the ability to breathe in the dark waters of his dungeon. When creating her, he unintentionally awoke her latent magical potential and shifted the source of power for her magic from the sun to his own soul.[/*] [/list] [u]BBeast[/u] [list] [*][i]Calvartem the Necromancer[/i] - a Keeper, inhabiting the skeleton of a long-dead wizard, complete with old robes and wooden staff. His eyes burn with a light-less black fire. Specialises in summoning the undead. His magic has the characteristic appearance of black light-less fire like his eyes (although it's not actually fire).[/*] [*][i]Ghost Imp[/i] - a shadowy ghostly apparition of an imp covered in black flame like that in Calvartem's eyes. Able to materialise ghostly tools on demand. Can be summoned and un-summoned at will by Calvartem.[/*] [*][i]Dungeon[/i] - N42°E16°. A large crypt underneath a small town south of Paterdomus, in the foothills of the Hindrun Ranges. Features a stone throne with a carved bone motif, which is used as the Heart. When sitting on his Heart, Calvartem can see his domain from all of his Death Spires and can remotely summon undead at a rate and quantity close to that he could achieve if there in person.[/*] [*][i]Death Spire[/i] - This building marks Calvartem's territory. It is a sturdy stone tower ten metres tall, with five spires protruding from the top around the edge. On top of the tower is a large quartz crystal, enchanted by Calvartem. It expands Calvartem's domain, passively slowly sucks life force from nearby living things and can summon a few undead minions if an intruder is sensed. A Death Spire is built wherever Calvartem conquers.[/*] [*][i]Walker[/i] - First minion. Little more than a resurrected corpse, these zombies form the backbone of Calvartem's hordes due to their ease of summoning and low drain on his power. Their eyes glow with black fire. The Necromancer is able to summon these Walkers on command, creating them from any corpse (human or otherwise) lying around or buried in the ground, then send them back to the ground when he is done.[/*] [*][i]Breaker[/i] - First construct. A very muscular zombie, 4 metres tall and 4 metres wide. Twisted flesh forms its thick limbs and broad chest, and its large head is set with disproportionately small eyes which burn with the totally black fire characteristic of Calvartem's undead creatures. Intended as a siege engine. Its sheer size makes it capable of ignoring all but the strongest of attacks. The trade-off was that it wasn't smart or highly mobile, and its size can be unwieldy. For most of the time Breaker's essence is in a darkly glowing fleshy orb on Calvartem's staff, and it can be summoned from that orb using the equivalent of 20 human corpses.[/*] [*][i]Shadowmane[/i] - Second construct. An undead horse, as tall as Calvartem. His fur coat glows with darkness, giving Shadowmane the appearance of a very solid shadow. He can ride at over 100km/h even over uneven terrain, and can jump both high and far, making him an ideal steed for Calvartem. Shadowmane is little better than an ordinary warhorse in combat. His essence can be condensed into an orb like Breaker, and he can be summoned again using the body of a horse.[/*] [*][i]Gremlin[/i] - Second minion. Undead, made from a somewhat fresh human corpse. Limbs are elongated and muscle mass on limbs increased, claws on hands and feet, teeth sharpened and jaw strengthened, chest and waist has greatly reduced muscle and fat, spine shortened, and eyes glow black. These agile monsters are built for speed and climbing, and for tearing and biting through flesh. With their pack hunting mentality as well as their agility, they are purposed to break apart enemy formations and bypass defences.[/*] [*][i]Zadok[/i] - Once an Anti-Keeper of Outremar, Zadok is now here. His body is that of an angel, clothed from the waist down in white, muscled, with brilliant white wings and glowing with a holy aura. He is capable of rapid flight, has an affinity for outer space, is highly skilled in unarmed combat, possesses long-range vision and is capable of performing powerful magic. His purpose is to protect the world and the people of the world from the Keepers or any other such threat.[/*] [/list] [u]Dawnon Aeris[/u] [list] [*][i]Macaroth[/i] - Keeper. Has taken the form of a patrol saint of Deren Abbey in the saint's old armour, with long silver hair, and silver wings of sharp metal feathers with a wingspan of 20 feet. Armed with an enchanted sword called Devourer, which passively drains the souls of those around. Capable of subtle mental manipulation. He much prefers strategy, subtlety and manipulation to more direct approaches. Under the guise of this patron saint, Macaroth attempts to sway the populations of the lands around him to his side, gaining a loyal following rather than fearful slaves.[/*] [*][i]Dungeon[/i] - N10°E20°. Deren Abbey, a small monastery. Heart is located in the catacombs below. Fortifications and buildings have been assembled around it, forming the fortified town of Akrassa.[/*] [*][i]Imps[/i] - Like normal imps, but clothed in black and manipulated physically to appear more human.[/*] [*][i]Angels[/i] - First minion. a.k.a. First Born, Son. Ten feet tall, with a wingspan of 6 feet. Muscular, with silver wings and long silver hair. Capable of flight. Has a glow, which may be mistaken for divinity but is actually Macaroth's own malevolence.[/*] [/list] [u]Kangutso[/u] [list] [*][i]Dungeon[/i] - N15°E24°. Temporary. A mostly dormant volcano. A small spring of lava has been magically converted into a golden, magical form of the molten rock, which serves as the Heart.[/*] [*][i]Baudrii[/i] - Rogue Being. Having once been human like his mistress, Clotho, Baudrii's appearance is similar to hers in many aspects. He stands at a tall 7'8", leaving him a few inches taller than his mistress, his carapace being a much darker shade compared to Clotho's, almost black with dark-green lines and streaks. His carapace was fashioned into sleek, contiguous plates. and his head and shoulders in particular were shaped to form a chitinous gorget and armet. A large rhinoceros beetle horn grows out of the top of his forehead. His beetle-esque wings are protected by hardened fore-wings that formed a shape very much like a shield when not in use. One his forearms are tiny pores that can be opened at will to secrete an acid venom capable of burning and melting through most materials, that he is also capable of determining just how long the affects of last.[/*] [/list] [u]R4inator[/u] [list] [*][i]Lord Rain[/i] - A Keeper. Lord Rain was previously a Keeper from the Fifth Age of Evil on Outremar, but due to the long time spent in the Void, he lost all of his memories besides the fact he knew his old name began with "Esc", and a bit of basic Keeper knowledge, such as how to make a Heart, and a couple magic spells, mostly focussed around lightning. He resembles a large person wearing an intimidating set of black armour, adorned with a few metal skulls on it. His eyes glow white and his skin crackles with electricity. He charges into the fray of combat with two axes that cackle with dancing electricity, both of them far too heavy for any normal human to wield.[/*] [*][i]Dungeon[/i] - N20°W06°. A large floating castle covered with a layer of clouds, the only thing leading up to it is an enchanted staircase. Features a Heart made of stone and electricity. The Heart actually beats like a real life heart.[/*] [*][i]Imp[/i] - A small group of these imps are just average imps. The majority are imps that are coloured grey-ish with a symbol of a blue lightning bolt on their forehead. It is slightly larger than a normal imp.[/*] [*][i]Stormer[/i] - First minion. A 5 foot tall, humanoid creature made completely out of storm clouds. A Stormer can cast basic lightning magic, and serve as the light infantry of Lord Rain's forces. They are not very strong alone, but when part of a large group they can be quite annoying to whatever they are attacking. They also work well with melee weaponry, such as swords and spears.[/*] [*][i]Bolter[/i] - Second minion. It stands at 7 feet tall. It looks like a skeleton made of lightning with faint, glowing white eyes. It spawns with a magical lightning bolt as a sword. It can only cast spells just above basic level storm spells and below. It works well as the backbone of an army, as their purpose is exactly that. Also, touching their skeleton will shock you, as their skeleton is made of pure lightning. Their skin is a cover of storm clouds.[/*] [*][i]Shock[/i] - First Construct. Based off a Stormer. He has steel armour on at all times. He has a steel sword, with a lightning bolt symbol engraved on the blade. He can cast storm magic that is on the same level as a Bolter's magic. His strength is above the strength of a Stormer, but he isn't as strong as a Bolter. When he's on the front lines as a normal soldier, he isn't that hard to deal with. When he's really dangerous is when he's behind the army, shouting orders. His biggest flaw is that he is so loyal to Lord Rain that its hard for him to point out any of the tactical mistakes that his Keeper makes. His favourite hobby is torturing humans, as he really, really hates humans.[/*] [/list] [u]darkwolf687[/u] [list] [*][i]Kalok the Heartless[/i] -A Keeper. Kalok the Wizard was an unnaturally powerful mage born into a noble family. Both his parents died from apparently natural causes in quick succession to his 16th birthday. He fell madly in love with one of the servant girls and offered her riches and power in an attempt to win her affection. When she failed to return his love, he became enraged and murdered her. Vowing that he would never again be made a fool by his emotions, he tore his still beating heart from it's chest and locked it in a chest far below his mansion, declaring himself Kalok the Heartless. It was through this dark ritual that he was corrupted by the Devourer and transformed into a Keeper. Now he has arrived in Elysium to conquer the world for his own.[/*] [*][i]Heartless Imps[/i] - These Imps have red skin and glowing green eyes, with razor-sharp teeth and dragon like wings sprouting from their back. With the small horns coming from their forehead and a forked tail, one might mistake them for the devil at first glance. They are weak but cunning, and are surprisingly resistant to heat and cold. They have Kaloks mark tattooed onto their forehead, while the higher ranked among them get it carved into their head and then filled with either bronze, silver or gold dependent on rank. There is a single scar on their chest, revealing where their hearts have been removed. They have large hands and feet, which are excellent for digging through the dirt and they often carry pickaxes and shovels strapped to them, though also carry small pitch forks which they use for combat to make them slightly less useless in a fight.[/*] [*][i]Kasi'dur[/i] - N16°W50°. Dungeon. A fortress constructed within the caverns of a dormant volcano, Kasi'dur was home to a small group of mages before they accidentally summoned forth Kalok, who enslaved them and bent them to his will. Along with the other volcanic islands, it is relatively isolated from the mainland and, given the general danger of scouting out active volcanoes for ones foes, allows Kalok and his minions to hide while they build up their power to besiege the world. The heart of this dungeon is Kalok's own heart, sealed within a lock-box in the heart of the volcano.[/*] [*][i]Orc[/i] - First minion. Orcs are usually cruel, wicked, and bad-hearted, and hate almost everyone and everything. They are humanoids with powerful muscles, that stand tall, have wide mouths and slant crimson eyes, long arms, dark blackish-green skin, and fangs. They have a tendency to be berserkers, and if they do go berserk then it is generally advised to run in the other direction, for they are merciless and powerful, especially in numbers. Despite their abominable nature, they are not dim-witted and are clever and crafty and make good tools, weapons, and machines of war but produce no beautiful things and rarely do they trade or share anything with others, unless ordered to by their master. They are powerful, capable fighters who serve with undying loyalty to their master and are capable of tactics when required, even if they may seem extremely crude and brutal at a glance. Anything they make, which ugly, is often well made and fit for purpose despite it's appearance, and as such they make strong armour and brutally effective blades for usage in war.[/*] [*][i]Wyvern[/i] - Second minion. Large, hulking two legged dragons, these powerful and proud beasts are not to be trifled with. They have scaly skin and emerald green eyes, that are similar in composition to that of a snake. Their teeth are sharp fangs that can tear through some of the heaviest armours of man, and their powerful tail can kill a man in a single, powerful swipe. They are massive creatures many dozens times the size of a man and can fly at speeds of up to 85 mph. The talons on their feet are as strong as steel and they can breath both fire and ice, making them deadly foes. They are proud and arrogant, seeing the mortal races and the "Lesser servants", which refers to almost every creature other than themselves, as being below them and subservient. When placed in a position of power, they may be either benevolent or cruel. They are not inherently evil, despite their arrogance and appearance. They are carnivorous, and thus see killing and eating as merely part of the food chain rather than any evil on their own part.[/*] [/list] [u]The 42nd Gecko[/u] [list] [*][i]The Emperor of Peace[/i] - Keeper. The Emperor's origins are not yet widely known, but he made his appearance, standing tall above mortal men, graced with a halo, clad in white and gold armour, armed with advanced weaponry and healing magic. Saving the people of Hallowsdown from certain destruction, he has inspired many to service in his march for peace for all Elysium.[/*] [*][i]Dungeon[/i] - S13°W05°. Built in the small town of Hallowsdown. Has good farms and full iron mines. A battlefield altar with a barn chapel is central.[/*] [*][i]Follower[/i] - Imp Replacement. These Followers of the Emperor, many of whom have lost their families in battle, devote themselves solely to him. Prayers and labour, these humble servants grant him their service. Though they would gladly fight for him, they are not exactly trained combatants.[/*] [*][i]Faithful[/i] - First Minion. A soldier armed with a musket, bayonets, light armour, and the Emperor’s Word, these soldiers are nightmares in formation on an open field. Volleys of musket fire decimate most normal forces at range and disciplined bayonet walls prove adequate though not exceptional in close quarters. However, in rough terrain, wet weather, or mixed up with enemy forces, the Faithful quickly fall apart compared to monstrous minions. They are forced to stay in formation to be of use, which renders them vulnerable to spells or other area weapons as well as being cumbersome to manoeuvre around the field, despite their light armour. While the Faithful excel at defending positions, they would be very hard pressed to successfully attack an enemy position. Their armour has a metal helmet that covers the skull and eyes, though there is a large vulnerable slit for each eye. Then, they wear an armoured coat, long sleeves and four tails, with a thin metal plate over the chest, one over the legs on each of the forward tails, and one on the upper arms outside. They wear sturdy boots and gloves.[/*] [/list] [b]Locations[/b] [list] [*][i]Altearx[/i] - N50°W13°. Major city. Perched atop a tall cliff overlooking the bay which the Ledovek River empties into. Climate is very cold, often snowy. Altearx is a fortress city, a challenge for any invader from land or sea. It is also a major hub for the inhabitants for the tundra-covered northern tip of Elysium. Anyone in that tundra who wants to contact the south normally goes through Altearx.[/*] [*][i]Paterdomus[/i] - N44°E16°. Major city. Sprawls along the delta of the Suri River. Climate is chilly and wet. Population is well over a million people. Is a highly religious city, with a large (and fortified) granite cathedral dominating its centre. The cathedral has two towers, one black for the fire priests, the Anointed of Caldor, and one white for the water priests, the Disciples of Unda. Inside the temple is a powerful holy artefact, which tends to repel Keepers. The streets are wide and white, and the architecture is mostly ancient. The fire priests are currently embarked on a holy war against the 'barbarian' tribes to the west. The water priests are currently embarked on defending against their enemies to the north, maintaining a failing enchantment which prevented their enemies from crossing the Suri River. Has very widespread influence, especially southwards of it.[/*] [*][i]Anicetus[/i] - N40°W6°. Major city. On the floodplains of the Myra River, in the dry heat of the Erimos desert. Farms off the floodplains of the river, which floods each summer when some of the ice in the Hindrun Ranges melts. It has control over the best inland route from the north of the continent to the equator ie. the Myra River, and taxes vessels passing through. While most of the city is dry, dull and almost empty, the banks of the river are home to bustling trade and a cosmopolitan shanty town. Has a lot of ancient history, which the dry sand has preserved nicely. Recently, fighting in the 'Sand Pits', which were disused ancient ruins, has become a popular spectator sport.[/*] [*][i]Moltuspons[/i] - N10°W37°. Major city. Built on a large island in the middle of the delta of the Ghura River. Climate is tropical. A hub connecting the trade routes through Oerwoud to the ocean. A major feature is the two gigantic stone bridges connecting the city to the mainland, made using an incredible feat of earth magic.[/*] [*][i]Virens[/i] - N11°W13°. Major city. On the fork of the Saplaya and Ghura Rivers, in a clearing in the Oerwoud jungle. Climate is tropical. Exports high-quality wood logged from the jungle. The Biomancers' Guild ensures that the logged trees are replaced by saplings, which have their growth magically accelerated. Leadership is generally corrupted by the influence of underground Mafia-like figures.[/*] [*][i]Serenus[/i] - N16°W05°. Major city. On the banks of the Saplaya lake. Climate is cool tropical, due to altitude. A peaceful place, although that doesn't make it completely defenceless.[/*] [*][i]Opes Fluvium[/i] - N04°E24°. Major city. On the fork of the Ruziti and Alira Rivers. Climate is tropical. A wealthy trade hub, bringing trade to and from the Hindrun Ranges, Izvor Ranges and the ocean to the east. Sugar cane and rice farms are widespread around it. City is divided into an inner walled wealthy sector and an outer poorer and merchant sector. The leaders of the city tax every part of the production and trade in the lucrative crops, granting them great wealth and letting them live in pompous prosperity. The religions of Paterdomus have a very strong influence in the city. The native magic in the area is wind magic, although due to the Paterdomans they also have access to fire and water magic.[/*] [*][i]Portus Cruor[/i] - N02°E30°. Major city. Situated by the ocean at the mouth of the Ruziti River. Climate is tropical. Commands a strong navy and maritime economy. Also has a high amount of crime, which is countered by a notably well-trained guard force.[/*] [*][i]Ensis'Lucas[/i] - S22°E16°. Major city. Along the delta of the Verlang River. Climate is temperate. Well-known for its skilled blacksmiths, who often use magic to make their creations immune to wear. A major point of call for those in the southern tip of Elysium. Defended by four strong, tiered walls, and a port filled with metal spikes which can be magically risen to sink ships. The Order of Steel, a small army of magic-wielding knights, and their very powerful leaders the Trivital, also defend the city. They worship Aphistos, the god of earth and fire (a perfect complement for blacksmithing). The high priest purportedly has very powerful magic, but this is not confirmed.[/*] [*][i]Nostera[/i] - S30°W20°. Major city. On the island of Viridi. Climate is cool. Sometimes ships making the trip around the southern end of Elysium will stop in the naturally sheltered port here. The inhabitants of Nostera either fish, farm the rolling hills of Viridi or mine precious volcanic stones from the neighbouring island.[/*] [*][i]Pracll[/i] - N59°W01°. A deceivingly small town. A massive population is cramped tight within the tight buildings that make up the town. It has a booming economy, based on fish. The town is based around a large cluster of smaller lakes, spread sporadically around. The town considers itself rather safe, protected by the military might of Altearx below, though they have had problems with savages from the north. The town is extremely traditional, and has very little to do with technology and magic, sticking to a small guard of citizens armed with simple steel weapons.[/*] [*][i]The Source[/i] - Very far away in the sky. Astronomical body. The Source is Elysium's sun. It provides light, warmth and also magic to the world below. Unlike conventional suns, which are colossal balls of plasma undergoing nuclear fusion (ie. stars), or even classical suns, which are tiny balls of fire orbiting a world's sky, the Source is a massive gas giant. Magic is generated in its deepest layers in such great concentrations that matter itself is distorted and converted into primal elements. The light and magic filter through the many layers of gaseous clouds until it exits the Source and shines upon Elysium and the rest of space. The very core of the source is surrounded by a virtually impenetrable physical ward, sealing everything on the outside from whatever powerful holy thing lies within. From Elysium, the Source usually looks much like an ordinary Sun. Normally, the Source's gases are blue, and its light white. However, at present, due to the corrupting presence of the Ripper, both the gases and the light are crimson red.[/*] [*][i]Spirit Realm[/i] - Alternate plane of existence. In it everything is like in the world of the living, but dead. Mounds of bones, petrified trees, rubble where cities should be, even the sun is dead. The land is coloured in blacks, whites and greys. Spirits and revenants roam the spirit realm, and will happily feast on the soul of any who enter. Generally inaccessible to those who aren't spirits themselves.[/*] [/list] [b]NPCs[/b] [list] [*][i]Biomancers' Guild[/i] - Situated in Virens. Building is ornately decorated, with woven grass carpet, marble steps and flamboyant exterior. Biomancers are responsible for accelerating the growth of trees which have been replanted, so they may be chopped down and sold for wood sooner. This lucrative business means the Biomancers are quite rich. This gives them some authority. Among their civil powers are the conducting of marriages and divorces. Much of their power came from an amulet filled with intense life magic energy called the Biosphere Stone, although this has since been stolen by Clotho the Swarm Keeper.[/*] [*][i]The Anointed of Caldor[/i] - The so-called 'fire priests'. They are based in Paterdomus and rule from its fortress of a cathedral, in conjunction with the water priests. They worship Caldor, a god of conquest, life, and warmth. As fire is said to be Caldor's gift, and a means of worshipping and communing with him, they worship it by extension as well. The Anointed of Caldor do not possess any holy magic as the rest of Elysium would know it, in the sense that it is divine or angelic. Instead, they see their fire magic, supposedly a gift from Caldor, as being the holy magic. Any other forms of 'holy magic', with the sole exception of what the water priests use, are considered evil and forbidden forms of witchery. While the water priests tend to only involve themselves with civil affairs, research, trade, and the defence of the realm, the Anointed of Caldor are expansionist and militant. Missionaries and embassies have been established in nearly every city or nation of importance that will allow it. The fire priests have fought numerous crusades to the south in the past, seeking to spread their beliefs by force when necessary, as well as to conquer new lands to further establish Paterdomus' power. Currently they seek to expand further inland, into the foothills and mountains to Paterdomus' west. Though the Anointed of Rhuax are technically only the temple clergy and savants themselves, the fire mages and crusaders are sworn into Caldor's service and are practically part of the same organisation. While Paterdomus' crusaders and fire mages usually come from orphans adopted by the temple or landed knights who join on their own volition, all the nobles of Paterdomus and its hinterlands are vassals of the temple itself, rather than a monarch. This effectively gives the fire priests indirect command over all the realm's standing armies, in addition to the power to levy citizens into militias if necessary. As such, if the fire priests deemed it necessary, they could raise one of the largest armies in Elysium to fight one of their crusades.[/*] [*][i]High Prophet of Caldor[/i] - The leader of the Anointed of Caldor, and a direct descendant of the god himself. As a Child of the Flame, he is not human. His flesh smolders and emits smoke, which he attempts to hide by wearing a suit of incredibly ornate armor with a red cloak draped over it. He is an incredibly powerful pyromancer, his magic more potent than any mere man could ever hope to wield. Though he is undoubtedly the most powerful figure in Paterdomus, he has always spent close to all of his time in the basalt chambers deep below the temple, attending to the sacred Rhuax, performing auguries and prayers to ensure that the kingdom is well, and looking for signs that it is time for the fire priests to help Caldor return. He has not made a public appearance in decades, and his council of advisers ruled the city without him for the most part.[/*] [*][i]The Disciples of Unda[/i] - The so-called 'water priests'. They rule Paterdomus in conjunction with the fire priests. They worship Unda, sister goddess of Caldor. They see her as the bringer of rains, good fortune, and protection. Though she was once largely ignored by Paterdomus, with Caldor being their main deity, her following gained considerable respect hundreds of years ago when they blessed the Suri river with her power, dooming any of Paterdomus' foes to drown if they attempted to cross. This action undoubtedly saved the city from the ice witches and their savage hordes to the North, some of Paterdomus' oldest and most hated enemies. The Disciples of Unda are not nearly as aggressive as the the Anointed of Caldor, and their influence is the sole reason that the fire priests do not unleash the nation's full might on every tiny tribe that opposes their rule and religion. Though they try to discourage wars and crusades, seeking wealth elsewhere, they nonetheless do contribute to most crusades by sending small groups of their sorcerers, mainly to serve as healers but occasionally as diplomats, for those few times that the fire priests seek to negotiate. Currently the water priests are terrified that the Suri river's enchantment has been weakening as of late, and are desperately trying to repair it in fear that if it fails, Paterdomus will be in grave danger once more. The fire priests, however, dismiss the old legends as myth and continue waging their crusades, doubtful that Paterdomus' ancient enemies still remain a threat.[/*] [*][i]Blighted Men[/i] - inhabitants of a swamp in the western plains and followers of the witch doctor Malady. Twisted and contorted by constant sickness, they more resemble goblins than humans and act more like animals than people. Their matriarch took them in as outcasts, lepers, orphans, and wounded soldiers, and while she kept them alive she forever corrupted them. Recently, their numbers have been reduced by a third due to the sudden defection of their leader to a band of intruders claiming to be her kin. Without their leader, however malicious and manipulative, they've come to rely upon a much more aggressive leader styling himself the Pandemic Chieftain. Exposure to the saliva or blood of a Blighted Man will almost always spread the affliction to the victim, affecting mind as well as body.[/*] [*][i]Forest Tribes[/i] - These tribal civilisations make their home in the forests west of Paterdomus. There are five tribes: the Mutig, Ruhig, Heftig, Feige, and Klug. There has been feuding and fighting between the tribes that reaches back generations, and as a result they mistrust and hate each other. However, the tribes are very similar: each is ruled by shamans, druids, witch doctors, or some other caste of magic users. They all used to worship their bestial tribal spirits and loas, however the Mutig have recently abandoned their spirits and taken to worshipping a new patron spirit, the keeper Shaige. Nestled in the foothills of the Hindrun ranges, they have long been isolated from the rest of the world and are thus technologically primitive. However, their isolation has ended: as Paterdomus's hinterlands spread and farms began to appear on the outskirts of the forests, raiders emerged. The Paterdomans are now in the process of launching a crusade to rid themselves of the tribes and gain new territory further inland. Thus far only the Mutig have been attacked, though the result was worrying. Their village was razed, and just a third of the tribesmen managed to escape to a cave system in their territory. The rest of the Mutig were slain or enslaved, but that third that escaped is now under the protection and leadership of Shaige.[/*] [*][i]The Righteous Guild of Industry and Commerce[/i] - Commonly called simply 'The Guild', this guild is based only in Pracll, and has an iron grip over the city. When it was founded, it brought the towns wealth, and none have been brave enough to oppose it. They keep the trade going strong, thus ensuring a steady flow of revenue. They care very little for those who do the dirty work. Though their decisions are often greedy, they will, more often than not, look out for the greater good, be it of the town, or of themselves.[/*] [*][i]The Northern Giants[/i] - Once a tribe of proud warriors that ruled the lands, they have fallen behind the larger cities in the area of combat. Because of their nomadic ways, they have no way of keeping up with the military prowess of today. These men are tall and muscular, often towering above regular men, because of them having been bred to be only the strongest for the longest time. Though they no longer are a significant threat, those caught off guard can be devastated by their wild fury, sheer strength, and numbers. They have camps spread all over the northern tundra.[/*] [/list] To start, choose a location, using the map and compendium to help, and have your Keeper (or Rogue Being) appear/spawn/materialise/whatever there. Preferably not too close to another Keeper without their consent.