“MynameisBlue.” She spoke quickly, overcome with a rush of immediacy from the crimson haired solder. She took a breath and tried again, looking sideways at the crimson haired man before focusing solely on the ying-yang eyed new comer, “Blue. My name is Blue.” The soldier had switched quickly emotionally. He was filled with purpose now. The sight of the human ‘squares’ had obviously given him cause to panic and refocus on his goals for that day. What was the story there? The universe had gone dramatically from giving her nothing to giving her far too much to focus on. “I am happy to shout you a meal, stranger, in exchange for your name and story. A healing of any kind is bound to leave a man hungry.” She kept back, not wanting to get too close in case she was called upon for physical labor. Being so aware of the crimson haired soldiers emotions constantly and trying not to look so was leaving her a little tired. He was feeling so much now. Panic, focus, a hint of regret? Nothing that would make her feel good, though she couldn’t help but be aware of it. [i]He’s human enough for me to be aware of him, but he’s certainly too handsome and rogueish for that to be all that he is.[/i]