Actually quite the opposite. Sai tried to purge ninjutsu from the world. Sai established regular academies where basic subjects were taught. He eliminated most of the pre-existing knowledge of jutsu. People can survive without jutsu; he strove for a world of peace. The academies that are set up now were re-established in the time that the Hokage took over. There is a great need for new Shinobi as a new military is needed. The jutsu and standards were set by him and his advisers. The resistance during the era of Sai are the ones whom taught Shinobi skills, so it is likely that the academy is just a formal training facility using similar methods that were passed down from the resistance, so it will most likely be more militant in its training style than it will be academic. Overall, there are still standards, and those standards are the basic jutsu, such as clone technique, rope escape, tree walking, transformation, etc.