Olli looked up as he saw Kjolmar flying down towards him on Hydregion. Olli smiled "Hey man, dont worry about it. I was just setting up for lunch." He said as he continued to place specialized pokemon food bowls on the floor. He had made them out of wood that he found near by and Diana helped shape them. Diana's was black and white, Lunar's was brown with a cresent shape in the middle just like the one on her forehead. Lunar saw this and loved it, like it realized its scar. Chimchar's was red with flames around the edge, while Apollo's was black with Blue streaks. He also made two for Kjolmars pokemon. Coop's looked like an upside down shell, and Hydregion's was three black and blue bowls connected together in a line. He started to put food within the bowls. "Eat up buddies!" he said to his pokemon who were all playing around the town. They came straight away at the smell of the food. "So lets see your new pokemon! Im excited." He exclaimed. Olli then listened to Kjolmar tell him about the strange stone Sycamore gave him. An Absolite? Mega evolve? Olli was confused. "Mega Evolve?" Olli thought about the term and wondered if that was like the picture of the mewtwo he had seen or the ones of Lucario in the Celestic Town Ruins. He pulled out the stone and looked at it before walking over to Diana. Diana stopped eating and walked over to Olli before he had a a chance to get to her. She seemed to sense the stone. Olli smiled and put the stone in a small bag which he tied around Diana's neck. She seemed to be pleased by this. "Keep this safe for me Diana, ok?" He smiled.