When I applied to this RP I interpreted it as the world was split into smaller communities, like tribes. Also do we have a currency? I Think that with the lack of resources we wouldn't want to spend the little we have on making coins or bills. I was imagining the community like this: People can stay and get fed if they work for the community. All resources would be handled by some sort of authority, most likely one leader/village chief or the current military leader. So the leader in the community deals out work tasks that needs to be done for the day, make sure he deals out food rations when its time to eat and work on securing whatever resources the community finds. Trade would be through exchange like: I trade you this pig for your pots. When it come to laws it's probably up to the leaders of the village to decide what's ok or not. These rules would of course only apply to the community only. It would probably be simple, don't kill, steal, rape or anything like that within the community. As it is included in both mine and Brandon's CS we do have a militia already. I imagine it's used for protecting the village, hunting and scouting for resources and plot raids against other villages. This is just my thoughts about it. Do you agree on anything I'm blabbering about?