The plan all set, Thomas nodded to the departing group and tossed out his Keyblade Glider, hopping on and ready to go as he felt the board shift under him from belle getting on. Her proximity was a bit unnerving with the possibility of another episode, but once again he was fairly certain those had passed. But there was more than that, and it wasn't a sensation he was used to. But they had a mission, and he needed to focus on it. He too shared the desire that the new world would be warmer than the last, though how difficult that would be was anyone's guess.. They did talk during the trip, about strategy, a bit of each others histories, though nothing ground breaking. And eventually they arrived at the world Reno would presumably have landed on. He looked around for a spot and then took them in for a landing, He let Belle get off before doing so as well and sending away his Glider. If belle could notice a dark presence, it his like a load of bricks, dark wound flaring in reaction, and he grit his teeth while striving to suppress the pain and keep her from noticing. His eyes traveled up to the full height of the castle, and he whistled, a bit impressed. He rubbed the back of his head in thought. "Ummm, I suppose the big, ominous, castle is a good place to start," he replied, and set off. If he didn't let his mind dwell, maybe it wouldn't be as much of a problem.