Frey's facial expression stayed peaceful even as Asbel spoke. A quick wetting of his lips and a quirk of his brow were his only responses. However, Frey was relieved his rare kindness hadn't hit a brick wall. Even if it was not appreciated, it was accepted. And that made the young prince a little happier, despite the fact he was bleeding. Frey had never used one of Asbel's feathers before, but it appeared he had little other choice than to use them. He might get scars or something. Frey had been told that you had to be kind to use Phoenix feathers, but since the corrupt nobles from visiting counties used them just fine, the prince doubted it was true. Sighing once out of exhaustion, Frey shrugged. "I'll tell him I was being attacked. It's the truth." Frey said sincerely. However, he wouldn't reveal his secret. Not for as long as he lived... Thinking of Augustine and Cassius made his stomach rumble. What would they think? Could Frey get away with lying? He could hear the general's voice, but his throat was too sore to shout back. Cassius would find them, anyways. Frey hugged Asbel tighter, to get away from the cold. Even now, Asbel was warmer than the unforgiving rain. "Why... Why did you follow me?" The prince asked slowly. In a moment, his brother and his dragon would come.