[b]Serena Bellerose[/b] All of the new people that had come in definitely was starting to freak Serena out. Sure, she was used to people being around her, but generally never people her own age, generally not shouting or being chaotic, and DEFINITELY not in a situation like this. Then again, she had never been in any situation remotely similar to this before. She knew it was probably more than likely throwing everyone in the now rather large group in the room for a loop, but it was taking its toll on her. Every chance she could, she would take a few rather small steps away from the now amassing chaos of a group to try and give herself a bit of space. These were people she didn’t know in the slightest, and as such, she didn’t feel comfortable around them in the slightest. She put a hand to her head, making sure her tiara was still there (that was one thing she couldn’t lose at all), as well as to just adjust it and balance it on her head better, and to make it ever so slightly more visible to the people she figured were her peers. She did figure that people would have to know who she was, sooner or later! …Even if it did make her as nervous as she could possibly be in the process. [b]Edie Jensen[/b] Over time, more and more people were coming into the entryway, but luckily for Edie and her constant dealing with people, it wasn’t too bad for her. She had an itch to get some drink orders, sure, but the number of people was absolutely nothing to her, so there was that at least. When the rather ambiguous person of the group spoke, Edie shrugged, [b]”Not me. I mean, sure, people talk to their waitresses, but… I don’t think this’ll work in this situation, not by far,”[/b] she said simply. A small blush started to come onto her face after. Who knew what things these people were at Orion for, but she was a simple waitress. It was a bit embarrassing for her, to say the least. [b]”But, uh… I don’t think everyone is here yet? I mean, there are a lot of classrooms on that floor… and there are a lot of people here, but I think we still might be missing a few,”[/b] she added, scrunching up her mouth as she scanned the room. Whatever she had come into, she figured it wasn’t going to be something simple. [b]Iris Bradley[/b] Over time, Iris watched more and more people come in from the corner she was standing in quietly. None came over to her, thankfully, but she knew soon everyone would be here and introductions would more than likely take place, and at that point she would feel most vulnerable. She would feel despair, but more than usual, she knew it. She rubbed the back of her head nervously, looking down at the ground. What was going on? Why were all of these new students thrown into this situation? …Surely it had to be some prank played by the upperclassmen or something? … She didn’t have the best feeling about it, but Iris hoped (as much as a girl like her could) that that was the case.