Nation name: Graval Race/Races: Tran (A cat like race whose claws on the feet create retractable skates they use to move across Ice) They are a fierce race and are split into those who are warriors or those who are scholars. they have very little creativity as far as the arts but those who are scholars and master chemists. they do not build most of what they have instead they tend to creat trade agreements to get their tools and weapons. Population:650,000 Key Leaders: Touro(High Elder) Karn (Tran King) Location: Their nation is near the equator and features flatland around it with a large mountain range in its center there the capital city sits. resources:In the flat lands there are many places where the ice has been cut through and are used as fishing holes. they also mine in the center underneath the capitol extracting copper and Iron. Imports: They import luxury goods, Furs, Oil, Crops, Tools/Weapons Exports: Liquid fire( created by the nations chemists), Fish, Metals, stone. Other: Blasting powder used in their mining and being researched to be weaponized, gemstones found in mining and used as currency. History:The Tran started as many tribes warring with each other, however 300 years ago they were all united as the elders claimed that the gods had spoken and issued the a King of the people should be crowned on the high mountain. This is when they capitol came to be built on the mountain in the center of their land and a King was chosen by the elders (from a pool of the strongest warriors.) and a high elder was chosen to advise the king. from then on the tribes have been united. Culture: Warrior like culture that values strength, however they also value knowledge It is said the greatest warrior is bound to be king and the wisest and brightest is bound to be the high elder. with this mix of values they nation has become one of the strongest military forces in their area and the greatest innovators for some technologies... however they are not very creative and lack and sort of art or crafting skills.