[center][u]Rules:[/u][/center] 1.) Absolutely no sexual content. Romance is acceptable, but the line is drawn at cuddling. 2.) If you plan to kill your character off you must post about it in the OOC much in advance. The OOC is a vital part of this game and should be checked often. 3.) Characters: Everybody gets one (unless I say otherwise) 4.) Respect each other! Even if your characters aren't the best of friends, remember - their character is not them! 5.) There is a turn order for posting. If you do not follow it, you risk being removed from the game (order below) 6.) What the GMs say, goes. I will not give someone a GM title if they do not deserve it. 7.) Don't join this roleplay if you aren't interested in a long ride. This game is expected to take many turns and reflect many different genres. 8.) Do not be afraid to talk to your fellow roleplayers! If you want something big to happen, feel free to talk about it here in the OOC and plan it with the other players. This game will only be truly successful if you all cooperate. 9.) Put "llama" at the bottom of your profile post so that we know you read the rules. If your profile is accepted, a GM will post with "[username]'s profile has been accepted." 10.) If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to PM me and I'll get back to you ASAP. As head GM, I reserve the right to change or update the rules at any time. If the rules are changed, I will announce it. ------------------------ Despite how it sounds, the turn order is very simple. [u]Turn Order:[/u] - Each person must post once before someone may post again. - If someone fails to posts within two days of the previous post they will be skipped and will have to wait until the first poster has posted again. - If you wish for your turn to be skipped, you must say so in the OOC - If the first poster wishes to be skipped, they most post in-game with only "[pass]" [u]Example:[/u] Everyone has posted except for Mary-Sue. The last post was made by John on a Tuesday, so if Mary-Sue does not post by Friday her turn will be skipped. [please note that this is something new I am implementing into the game, and that I've never seen it used before. There may be flaws. If you think you have came across a flaw. PM me.]