As soon as everyone clears out of the Inn after lunch rush Genevieve is told she can go. She grins and rushes outside towards the stables to find Andy so that they can go to the lake and swim. I walk into the stables, "Andy! I'm on break! What shall we do today?" She yells as she walks over to where he usually is. As she rounds the corner she bumps into somebody. It just happens to be the man she had just served lunch to, "oh, I'm sorry." Meanwhile Andy just shakes his head at his best friend, "I'm sorry. My friend over here can be a little loud." "Can not!" She says, still beaming even though she is blushing slightly. Andy sighs and attends to the business that the man had asked him to do. He pulls the supplies off of the horses and then brings them back to the men. "Once again, I'm sorry for my friend and thank you for your business." He smiles politely at the man and then pulls Eve off to the side. "Seriously? You chose then to be loud and obnoxious." "Oh get over it. I'm in an amazing mood. I'm sure it'll be okay. Are you on break yet? I want to go swim in the creek." She smiles. Not wanting anything to ruin her good mood.