Name: Yui Aveen Alias: Not yet Age: 15 Mentor: N/A Gender: Female Good or Evil: Evil Abilities/Skills: matrial arts, 2 handed sword moves, can speak dutch, good at pickpocketing and lockpicking Powers: She can create objects out of material around her and she can move them with hand gesture, there is a limit how big the object can be and how much she can controll at once. Weaknesses: if she can't move her hands she can't use her powers. Equipment: drugs for her addiction, handgun. lockpicking set, she has all her stuff in a backpack and a knife tied to her upper leg. Personality: She doesn't get why killing someone is a bad thing, gets mad easily, gets fast to the point, fools around much and gets serious if you are hurting her. Short Bio:She was hated by her father and hurt a lot she used drugs to lighten the pain and ran away from home at 12 years old. She roamed around the streets for 2 years stealing from people to survive. She was found after using to much drugs by a man that had his own lab where he did his experiments on humans. The mand gave her food and shelter if she did what he said. After a year she got her powers from one of the experiments and killed the man short after that because he punched her. She hates the world for being like this and hurts the people for fun. Appearance: 5feet 117lbs [img=]