The woman began to hyperventilate again before regaining some semblance of composure, Klara simply watching patiently for her to be ready to speak again. She kept talking about her mother and home, obviously worried about their well being but seemed to think going their would make things normal. Such hopes were not well grounded but nevertheless... Moot would need someone who knew the area and Olivia needed a friend. She watched with curiosity as she procured and typed into her phone before showing it to her. Moot almost laughed - She thought she was deaf. It certainly wasn't the first time someone had assumed this and right now couldn't be bothered pointing it out. Instead she gently took the phone and began to type a response. Klara held out the phone: [i]Klara Marinovski. Call me 'Moot'. I want to find my friends, trapped outside I think.[/i] Klara paused a moment to examine the surroundings as the soldiers, and their victims, calmed somewhat. She began to write again, this time smirking to herself deviously. [i]There are windows close. If I make distraction, can you get through them?[/i]