Looking over from the passenger seat, Max addressed Henry. "I heard that. Your car better not scratch up my sword, it's my baby. But the place is down on 63rd. It's the alley next to Sam's Discount Liquor. You can't miss it. Look, I'm just all amped up here because of what's happening. Sorry if I'm letting my behavior run away with me. I mean no disrespect, but now's not the time for my apologies. It's ass kickin time and I'm ready to send these fucks back to hell." Max turned back in his seat and just sat there clenching his fists. Out of all the cases they've taken so far, this was surely going to be the biggest one yet. He was excited, but also cautious at the same time. If something got fucked, then hell would just run amok on earth and it'd be complete and utter chaos. Well this was it, he thought. Time to face the big man himself and put an end to his shit.