Matilda blinked behind her large, black glasses, clutching her thick, numerous books under both arms. She didn't need half of them but in this new, intimidating school, they brought her a degree comfort. On the plane ride - which had landed on American soil not two days ago - she had virtually slept with her head on top of them, ignoring the pain in her neck, being the only thing of any meaning she had packed. Her uniform felt too big and her accent stuck out like a sore thumb. She scurried down the hallways, dodging out of the way of students. Something seemed different...when she inhaled deeply, her eyes sparkling yellow for the tiniest fraction of a second, everywhere seemed to smell different from her old school. She frowned, but could think of no other reason than it simply being a new environment. As she weaved past a particularly large kid, she stumbled off balance and her books tumbled from her arms to the floor, clattering on the tiles and being eaten up by the stampede of students. She sighed. "Typical," she muttered, as she bent down to try to retrieve the books without being trampled on.