Clint was laying there and he sighed, He was trying to just not focus on what happened and push away his pains. "I am tramuatized after Loki messed with my head and I feel sick from that and from hurting you. Think the thought of hurting you made me throw up. Though I havent been checked for a concussion no... I was too worried about you." He knew Natasha was worried about him, he was tired and closed his eyes. The man was shivering. "I never want to hurt you again." He lays a head on her gently without hurting her. He knew he had been unconnious and hit rather hard. But it was no bother to him compared to nearly been close to killing her. Clint looked pale and he felt like vomiting. He tried to push the thoughts of what happened out of his head. But he knew he might be feeling ill from a concussion too now that he thought about it . He didn;t want Natasha worrying.