Or, "My Terrible Rival Saga Volume One [Alternate Take]; Forgiveness is Borrowed, Never Bought." Hi! Good to see you again! Seems we're finally getting this thing off the ground! Welcome to the OOC! This is where we'll talk and chat and maybe argue once in a while! (all in good fun, I hope) Here's the stuff from the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/24261/posts/ooc]Interest Check![/url] Or you can just read it below! Character sheets will be located [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/25864/posts/ooc?page=1#post-727066]here![/url] [hider=OOC Info][b]Some Things to Know Out of Character (to entice your undying love) :[/b] This will be a modern setting with anachronistic examples of highly advanced technology, as well as rampant use of magic and other such mystical (or scientific) forces. Everyone possesses a unique ability, called their Core Ability. You will get to design this. Most characters will be of high school age, due to the setting. [s]There will be a few precreated classes to choose from, though 'Custom' is always an option in my book.[/s] Custom all the way! Fighting will happen. Probably often. (Except for filler arcs.) Life is kind of (exactly) like a video game; meaning that characters in this world can do things like access their inventory, check their stats, communicate with their friends and loved ones through chat boxes that seem to appear from nowhere, advance their level/ job class. Imagine the possibilities! Hilarious, right? Right? :/ I hope so. Character interaction will happen. Probably often. People have either very normal or very odd names. I intend for us to make a story, together. [s]Clothing functions as armor.[/s] Characters can change appearance when switching to combat mode. (usually accompanied by transformation scene) [i][b]How Combat Works;[/b][/i] It'll be a rather simple system of rolling 1d6 (one six sided die), whether you're on offense or defense, attempting to match (and hopefully supersede) their roll. Modifiers for appropriate stats will be added to the die roll; for example, an attacking character using Physical Melee type damage would roll 1d6+ their Strength modifier. Combat between players will be divided into turns, which consist of an attack and defense action, and will run a default time of 10 turns (five for each character). This is to ensure fairness in combat and streamline the overall process. Die rolls will be made [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/]here[/url], under your character's name. Now, this method of combat requires players to collaborate in their victories as well as their defeats; so I expect a fair bit of co-operative work to go into this. [i]Defending:[/i] I didn't make this abundantly clear earlier, so I'm going to go ahead and edit it in now. Defense is a little more complicated than it appears on the surface. Essentially, your defense modifier is based on the enemy's attack type; if an enemy attacks you with a Strength-governed skill (anything Physical, be it melee or ranged), your character would apply their Strength modifier to defend (or Agility. Which stat you intend to use for defense should be stated on the roll) against said attack. The same can be said for Intelligence-governed and Willpower-governed skills and normal attacks. [b][i]Statistic Changes:[/i][/b] To determine your Stats at level 1, you will roll 5 3d6 (three six sided dice, five times). These rolls can be distributed among your statistic categories (as they are). You will also determine your beginning HP Pool in a similar way (1 roll of 3d6) and please be sure to link your roll (link found in the section above) in your character sheet. These points can be distributed however you wish among your five stats. Every two points above ten ranks you gain a +1 Modifier to that stat and actions attributed to that stat. Alternatively, for every two points below 10 your stats are, you will receive a negative Modifier. As for leveling up, a defeated opponent gives you half their EXP, rounded up. To level up you need your level +1. So at level 1 you need 2 XP to level up, at level 2 you need 3, at level 4 you need 5, and so forth.[/hider] [hider=Stats List][b]Statistics List (to know how mad your skills are) :[/b] [i]Information:[/i] Statistics are vital to characters, some stats more so than others. Statistics are increased as a character wishes, but bonuses are only applied on numbers above 10. These distributable points are gained on leveling up,at a rate of 1 per level.. Stats also tie into the usage of certain skills. For example, Intelligence governs Magical damage type skills and Strength influences Physical damage types, whereas Willpower governs Energy type attacks. [i]Strength;[/i] Determines the potency of Physical type attacks and skills. A basic measure of a character's physical capabilities. [i]Agility:[/i] A character's speed is governed by Agility. If a character intends to focus on speed, rather than raw strength, they may put points into Agility. This ability grants bonuses to a character's dodge. [i]Intelligence:[/i] Governs the damage and efficiency of Magical type attacks and skills. A crude measurement of one's capabilities in the realms of information retention, logical reasoning and problem solving capabilities. [i]Willpower:[/i] Creates more energy within the character's form. Used to determine the amount of control a character exerts over energies latent in themselves and their immediate surroundings. [i]Vigor:[/i] Gauges how quickly a character's body can recover from and endure sustained damage.[/hider] [hider=IC Information][b]Things To Know In Character (to crush your friends) :[/b] You only live once...most of the time. The city you live in is called Bridge City. Its huge and has an astounding variety of architectural styles. Powers are pretty normal. Like, everyone and their mom has one. Seriously. Various systems exist within the world. One such system is the "Rival" system, that tethers two characters together in an undeniable bond of repressed emotions and constant confrontation. This occurs when former party members, or friends, or lovers, or pets, or whatever have a violent or significantly bitter falling out; turning them into fully-fledged, official nemeses. Most people have a nemesis. Some don't. That's cool, too. [i]Adaptive Weapon System:[/i] Though various weapons can be found, or crafted, throughout the city, some choose to keep their starting weapon. This is due to the weapon's potential for growth. As the person gains levels, the weapon begins to adapt to its wielder's preference; becoming more effective in certain areas and gaining a sweet new appearance! [i]Job System:[/i] At some point in your life, you have to be tired of being a Nobody. When you get tired of being a Nobody, you pick a class. Upon picking a class, you set out upon your grandiose adventure! There are several classes to choose from, with the bases being the ever present Warrior, Thief, Mage and Archer. The option to create a custom class exists and is probably the option most often used in the world. Jobs gain levels as players do, eventually becoming something more potent and impressive. [i]Nobodies:[/i] People that haven't taken a job class. While they still have their Core Ability, most of them aren't noteworthy...except taking up background space. Who knows, they could do something unexpected one day...maybe. Nobodies give 0 Exp. when killed. [i]Skills:[/i] Encompassing the realm of abilities or attacks learned by obtaining levels in your respective Job Class. Most perform archetypal functions, unless the character has used a Custom Job Class; in which case they develop customized abilities. [i]F.S.N Information:[/i] Founded nearly fifty years ago, the Fighting School Network exists as a way to gauge the combat potential of students. Since its induction, the F.S.N has become a worldwide media powerhouse; raking in billions of dollars in sponsorships, pay-per-view events and merchandising. Participants in the F.S.N syndicated match brackets are given an accessory item during their first year of high school, something tailored to their personal preferences (nothing that could be weaponized). This item stays with them through the entirety of their school career and it is through this that they are measured by their foes and the world. Each accessory has a smooth gem inserted into it, that begins as a dark gray color; denoting that the wearer is E-Rank. Upon winning battles and earning Fight Points, the Character can advance their Rank and become qualified for higher level bouts. Fight Notices are given to contenders via text message that includes the location and scheduled time of the fight, as well as basic information on their opponent. Most fights will have a few spectators, though C-Rank fights and above are almost always televised and gather a large crowd. Bets can be placed on fights, through the F.S.N Vice Chamber, allowing Characters to put up money or items on the combatant they believe will win. Announcers and Referees are known to appear at every fight, no matter how small, even if the bout isn't going to be a large event. [i]Rank Color Progression:[/i] [i]E[/i]: Gray [i]D:[/i] Light Blue [i]C:[/i] Purple [i]B:[/i] Green [i]A:[/i] Yellow [i]S:[/i] Red [/hider] [hider=Skill Template] Skill Name: [The Skill's name.] Level Obtained: [What level the Skill is obtained by your class.] Damage Type: [Listed prior to this section. Damage types of Skills may be different than the character's Combat Mode. Mind you that stats affect potency of damage types.] Element Type: [Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Dark, Light, Null. Null Element is the most prominent element used in Energy type attacks. As expected, a simple system of opposites is in place; meaning that a fire spell can be countered by a water spell, a wind spell can be countered by an earth spell and so on.Light and Darkness are inherently opposed.] Effect: [This is where you'll describe the negative or positive effects of this spell. I'll let you know if anything is out of line. As a rule, lower level Skills are less potent, but cause less strain on an individual using them. Be sure to exercise caution in creating your skills. I expect there to be a post-based cooldown listed for all skills. The weaknesses of your skills will be determined by logic.] [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet][b]Character Sheet Template (to know yourself) :[/b] Name: (Doesn't have to be revealed) Alias: (Because everyone has one) Age: (Simple) Class: (Make something up! Be sure to include strengths and weaknesses in terms of combat.) Level: (Should be 1.) Combat Mode: (Physical Melee, Physical Ranged, Magic Melee, Magic Ranged, Energy Melee, Energy Ranged, Devices) Core Ability: (Can be about anything you want. Don't be OP.) Weapon: (Appearance and function to be listed here.) Appearance: (An image is fine) History: (Can be short) Catch Phrase: (Totally optional...or, you can replace it with a theme song.) [b]Character Statistics:[/b] [i]Hit Points[/i] [i]Strength:[/i] [i]Agility:[/i] [i]Intelligence:[/i] [i]Willpower:[/i] [i]Vigor:[/i][/hider] [i]~Special thanks to Sathanas Rex for helping me develop and streamline the combat system~[/i]