"Clint...." Natasha said softy as he rest his head on her's, "You should get it checked out... It will only take a minute I'm sure.... You won't even have to leave the room..." She sighed and placed her hand on his chest, "I can be sure that it sickens you that you did all of that... But you weren't in your right mind... That isn't your fault. Besides, we can think of it as... Loki saw that I was the person that it would hurt you most to kill... Not your family or anyone else... And that's kind of a sadistic kind of sweet. That I mean that much to you, that he went to all that trouble to hurt you. That was his goal... It was to hurt you, don't let him win..." She reached over a pushed the call button and within seconds a nurse was in the room. Natasha look at him, "Can you get someone to make sure that Agent Barton doesn't have a concussion?"