Johnathan exited his automobile after a serene travel across the concrete junctions. His gaze traveled upwards and affixed to the looming academy of prestigious notoriety his shadow swallowed by the massive umbrage of the gigantic architecture. He hoisted his baggage along as he approached the building's main entrance, taking ganders at the fenestrated walls hanging overhead. Johnathan arrived inside the academy's central parcel which was a colossal room ornamented with different decor. "How the hell do I navigate this place?" Johnathan looked down at his topography recording reactive radar. A ping popped up on the AR Display panel, it lead him through a corridor which then lead him into a hallway. Room 207, he could hear shuffling like a bag was to drop. The male knocked on the door and promptly twisted the knob, the bolt cracked, he then followed up by pushing out the door causing the door to retreat from it's hinges it revealed the rest of the room inside. "I guess we're roommates.. Call me Johnathan."