Demeter felt his hands slip around her waist and into her hair as he answered her kiss. She had her eyes closed and loved this moment, yet it was interrupted to fast by Justin who came in and coughed. ''Ehum... Love birds.. It is time to change the bandage Seth...'' he said. Demeter pulled her lips away and smiled a little. ''Well.. If it has to be done'' she said with a little dissapointment in her voice, but of course she knew it had. She got up and stroked with her fingers over his cheek. Justin got the blankets off and started to change the bandages. He had cut the legs from Seth's trousers so it was easier to change bandages and clean the wound. ''Demeter, could you get a bowl with water and a cloth from the kitchen so I can clean it?'' he asked. Demeter nodded and walked off, after less than two minutes she came back with the things Justin had asked for.