NAME: Kin PICTURE Preferred /Appearance: [img=] (I wasn't able to find a picture of this character with an outfit that would fit the time period. If you really want me to though, I could find a picture of someone else's clothes and just say that's what he wears) AGE: 17 in human years RACE: Advent Phoenix Daiyōkai. Advent beings have no notable differences from their non Advent counterparts...except they can be enslaved with an Advent Deck. The use of Advent Decks to bind Advent beings originated in England before spreading all the way to China. Many Advent beings fled to Japan to escape enslavement...with mixed results Home Town / Location: Currently has no home Bio: Young Kin was born in China while his father was away in Japan, trying to secure a home for his family. While he was away, slavers captured the young Kin and bound his soul to a Contract Card. Before it could be sold however, his father returned to rescue him. Because they lacked the means to safely destroy the card and the deck it was a part of, they had to take it with them to Japan, to insure that no one ever got their hands on it. When he was only 10 years old in human years, both his parents were killed in a war between to rival Daiyoukai clans. Since then, he's been wandering Japan in search of a way to destroy his Contract Card, before someone can bind it to their soul and make him their slave Starting Location: On the outskirts of the village near the bone eater's well [hider=Armored Soldier Izanagi] [img=] The power of Izanagi comes from binding the soul of a Advent Phoenix Daiyōkai to a blank [url=]Contract Card[/url]. [img=] [/hider] [hider=Current Cards] Advent Card [img=] Summons Kin and forces him into his [url=]Advent form[/url]. [/hider] The idea is for new cards to become available as the story progresses. Also, if this gets the green light, I'll need someone to find his Advent Deck (preferable one of the humans from the future, as that sounds like it would be funnier)