I hear you Kraux, and it looks like this particular RP isn't going to generate too much more interest. The idea and prevalence of fantasies are probably factors in that. Regardless, I do still find this world interesting. There's a lot of potential so I do have another idea I'd like to float by you and, potentially, a few others. I do some short fiction the side for fun. Considering I opened this idea to the public forum, I see nothing wrong with getting a small interested group together to write short fictions to do with their characters in this broad world. The stories could be largely self-sufficient with overlapping and interaction whenever we please, but could allow some people to write as little or as much as they like. We could still build this from the thread here without any problem. I imagine this being a bit like the Song of Ice and Fire books, where each story centers around a specific character and their situation. They all exist in the same world and there are some shared events, plus they do actually overlap with time. But it'd free us all up to work at our own pace and with as many or few characters as we like. Let me know what you think.