Matt let out a mix between something of a laugh and a scared whimper. “I am [i]not[/i] a lightweight...! I drink beer on occasion…” He started to trail off before stuffing some pizza in his mouth before saying anything else. He listened into Hadrian and Daemons bickering regarding Matt’s sexuality and felt just a little uncomfortable. Just a little. Thankfully Daemon seemed pretty protective, at least for now, so hopefully he wouldn’t wake up naked the next morning. Matt started pouring himself some vodka and glared at Daemon before taking a drink. “If I do anything stupid, don’t talk about it.” With that, he took one sip and paused at the strength of the vodka.[i] “Yeah, I’m hardcore…drinking straight up vodk—oh god how does anybody drink this stuff??” [/i] Matt started off thinking that after one glass, he’d be done with it. That’s what he thought. Eventually, minutes went by and he had finished a bottle all by himself, abandoning his glass completely. Now, he was laughing at everything that was said in the room, rocking back and forth on the couch, and squished in between Hadrian and Daemon. All in all, he was having a pretty good time. “Man, it’s getting hot in here!!” Matt laughed rather obnoxiously, trying to pull off his shirt but the collar was stuck somehow. His motor skills were definitely starting to go down the drain.