@Soul Yes, Alex would be okay! Just note any abilities or superpowers he has will be limited. Also, after thinking about it a little, I think starting off characters with only one ability and continuing along would be the best course of action. As we defeat more bosses and claim *insert super secret item here* we'll regain/upgrade our abilities. Right now, here is the is the amount of people we have in this RP at the moment (enjoy your little nicknames if I gave you one). T.T (Me!) XAnth Rabbit Goddess Fabricant Leda Zaga Zealous Soul Oskar Mr_pink So, with ten people, I'm going to close this RP for good. I think this is a good balanced number of people to have in this RP. As suggested by Rabbit and to not have you guys just eagerly wait with boredom, I'll get up the CS's Format up so you guys don't have to wait so long ^_^". Oh, and if you guys want the original code so you don't have to fool around with constantly adding in [center.][b.]blahblahb[/.b] etc. etc. just let me know and I can copy past it into a Chatzy or Skype. --- ** means optional part of Character Sheet [center][b]-INSERT CHARACTER PICTURE HERE-[/b] [b][u]Name[/u][/b] (Self-explanatory) [b][u]**Nicknames**[/u][/b] (Any other titles or identities your character is known as?) [b][u]Age[/u][/b] (If your character has a different physical age due to certain traits such as an extended lifespan, please include both actual and physical age) [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] (Self-explanatory) [b][u]Race[/u][/b] (Human, Elf, Demon, Vampire, Mutant, Anthropomorphic Fox, Flying Spaghetti Monster, etc. etc.) [b][u]Fandom[/u][/b] (From what form of media does your character hail from? If none, put *Original*.) [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] (What is your character like to others and to him or herself? I would prefer around a paragraph or two here) [b][u]Backstory[/u][/b] (What sort of background does your character have? I would prefer around a paragraph or two here) [b][u]Equipment[/b][/u] (Any notable gear your character carries around? Anything ranging from a weapon to something as minor as a seemingly worthless pendant) [b][u]Physical Traits[/u][/b] (Any traits that will benefit your character in this RP. Maybe your lean and nimble, or strong and mighty. Whatever you feel is important to include here, go right ahead) [b][u]Super Abilities[/b][/u] (You may only pick one ability at the moment, and as the RP progress, you'll update it with more and more abilities and upgrades. If you character has no supernatural abilities or powers, simply put *none*) [b][u]Weakness and Fears[/u][/b] (Anything that goes against your character. This is more for RP purposes so I can see where characters stand in dealing with situations and phobias) [b][u]**Other**[/u][/b] (Anything else you want to include, feel free to go right ahead!)[/center]