[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/jZB9EQE.jpg][/center] She awoke to the sound of voices, incoherent and unfamiliar, whispering so close to her ear it made her shiver. It was no use making out what the voices were saying; there were far too many speaking at once, and their words mixed into unintelligible chatter. Disoriented and still groggy, Emmy tried to rouse, but it was to no avail. She could feel herself laying face down on the concrete, but that was as much as she could glean off from her surroundings. Her eyes felt as though they were stitched shut, and her body refused to move as a dull ache coursed through every part of it. She was already beginning to panic. Where were the others? Was she alone? What happened? She racked her brain, trying to recall what went on before she blacked out, but could pickup only jagged bits and pieces. The Damned. Fighting. A Warehouse. She was with the rest of the Sins, and then-- That's when she heard it, just as loud as the one that had knocked them out hours earlier. An explosion. Emmy was still unable to move from where she lay on the ground, but she fought against the pain and somehow managed to force her arms to move, shielding her head as she braced for the inevitable impact. But it never came. There were only more voices, getting louder and louder until they've drowned out her own thoughts. [center]< ♥ > [/center] [b]11:11 PM [/b]| Three hours, nineteen minutes before 'Mission: Support the Damned' Emmy loved it best when all the members of the group were together, just like they were now. Okay, so they were together a lot. But during downtimes, the rest of them went off to do their own thing, and she only had Sloth and Envy for company. The two of them would have been perfectly fine, but they tended to leave eighty percent of the conversations to her. Sometimes they'd just let her babble on, and although she doesn't usually notice, she gets upset when she does. They were often busy, as well—Sloth sleeping or otherwise, Ash doing whatever it was Sloth had him do—so she would be left to entertain herself. Luckily, that wasn't the case today. Sloth had just announced their mission for the night: supporting the Damned in the upcoming fight. There was more to it, but she usually let the others worry about the details. They wouldn't need to leave for two and a half hours, so Emmy thought the group could do some sort of bonding activity. She had a list of things they could do (board games, video games, drinking games; she googled the ‘top ten things to do' so everyone could have some fun), and had been waiting excitedly to be able to do some. Emmy was quick to take a liking to all the other Sins, but she knew the others weren't as comfortable with each other yet and that needed to be fixed. Unfortunately, just as she thought to get out some drinks for the game, she noticed Sloth had already transformed her throne into her royal mattress. Like clockwork, she'd be asleep within minutes. Then, not long after, Sam went off to play at the arcade (even though she protested they had video games there). Ash had his orders, so she knew he'd be focusing on that until he carried it out. Even Angel seemed ready to sleep. With a childish huff, Emmy plopped down next to Harry on the couch, sitting closer than what the concept of personal boundaries allowed. She could tell he was already putting on his thinking cap and getting ready to go to his mind palace, so she decided to just go with the flow and just take a quick snooze as well. So much for bonding time. Pulling Joni beside her, she all but used the younger boy as a body pillow as she wrapped arms and legs around him. [center]< ♥ >[/center] [b]Around 1:40 AM [/b]| Mission start. Long hair tied up in a high ponytail and adorned with a bow, and dressed in a short white dress with butterfly patterns and frilled edges, it was safe to say Emmy stood out like a sore thumb. If a passerby were to see her, they'd think she'd have to have been kidnapped. But as out of place as she looked, there was no denying that Emmy acted like she belonged in there. As the fight officially began—initiated by their awesome leader, of course—and the rest of the Sins joined in the fray, Emmy simply stood her ground, head held high and an impossibly sweet smile on her face. Like she expected, no one had gone straight for her, opting instead for the rest of her team. She didn't know whether it was because she knew more than half of the members of each gang (there were even some who greeted her when they thought she was smiling at them), or because anyone who goes to her attack her would be called a pussy, but when they were in fights like these, she usually didn't have to worry. Still rooted in her spot, Emmy simply cheered excitedly as Sam went through one thug after another, playfully mimicking his moves. She egged on the others who were too afraid to fight their Pride and targeted the other Sins instead, calling them colorful but strange monikers that got them annoyed. It wasn't like the others weren't a force to reckon with, though. Ash and Sloth could handle themselves fine, Harry was all set and trigger-happy, and Angel finished off those who lurked in the shadows. If anything, it was the young Joni she tended to watch out for, even though he would probably fare better than her. When she saw one with a knife running toward their Wrath, Emmy was quick to rush toward him. But before she could reach him, one of their enemies finally had the gall to approach her. He was at least a head taller and was probably twice her width, and he ran to her with a strangled war cry. It was difficult to see if this was one of the men she knew, disfigured as he was with his broken and bloodied nose and swollen eyes. At least she knew he was obviously one of Sam's victims. Emmy just laughed, pissing the thug off even more as he charged toward her. "I'll kill you, fucking slut," he yelled. "That's [i]Lust[/i], silly," she said with feigned innocence, falling into the defensive stance she was taught. Emmy may not be the fighting machine Pride was, but she was surprisingly excellent at defensive and counteractive maneuvers. Even though it didn't work out (and yes, that's an understatement) with the old gang she was with it, she would always be grateful that they taught her Aikido. Just as the thug swung his fist wildly at her, aiming to get her head, Emmy raised her arm and used it to redirect her assailant's attack. He ended up attacking air instead. Before he could even try to regain his balance, she grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm. She forcibly pushed back on his twisted arm, putting all her weight into it, driving him to the ground face first. The impact was too much for his already bruised and battered face, and he fell unconscious right on contact. Emmy dusted herself off and made a show off patting the felled thug on the head. After quickly checking whether Joni was unharmed, she rejoined the Sinners as they convened in the building. The group had hardly stepped inside before things went crazy. Kaboom the building went! There was a split second when Emmy was aware of everything. She could see her some of fellow Sin being blasted back by the explosion, some getting engulfed by the strange black gas. Then she felt the impact for herself, and she was helpless as her body was flung against the hard wall. [center]< ♥ >[/center] [b]2:30 AM[/b] | Aftermath "Emmy, hey, wake up," This time, it was a familiar voice that spoke to her. Angel's. She could feel him gently nudging her awake, and she almost felt like crying in relief. At least she knew the others were safe and she wasn't alone. As she slowly reoriented herself, the events leading up to blackout became clearer until she finally shared everyone's sense of urgency. She moved as quickly as she could, keeping a tight grip on Angel all the while, and followed everyone as they all raced back to their base. Once everyone (minus one, she noticed belatedly) had settled down, it became obvious that no one could make heads or tails of what had just happened. Emmy was uncharacteristically quiet. Wordlessly, she had taken hold of the person nearest her, Harry it turned out, and clung to his arm like a lifeline. There were voices that continued to whisper in her mind, and she didn't know how to make it stop. And now, a wave of insecurity washed over her, like she was dreading the uncertainty that hung in the air. It was a strange sensation, something she'd never felt before. What was wrong with her?