Edwin was duly impressed with how Elise was handling the situation. She was not afraid to go toe to toe with Alexis and made it very clear she wanted nothing to do with the media. Edwin would've continued smirking but then he looked back in the kitchen and Elsie comforting her sister. It was at that moment Edwin no longer saw himself as a homicide detective, but he saw two girls who weren't much older than his own daughters. Edwin felt another aspect of his life in him coming to the surface, and it was time for Alexis to see that side of him, and that side was that of a protective father. He looked at Alexis and said, "I think Miss Williams has made her feelings blatantly clear, and if she hasn't then allow me to do so." Edwin felt his backbone stiffen as he imagined his own daughters going through this and said, "The people in this town are a very tight community. They already have a low opinion of the media and all the attention that this has generated. They know what the facts are about the people who live here. They know these girls and the hell that they're going through and they want to help by giving them their space and dealing with the truth of the situation not the people who have been hurt by it. If you write one thing that is not true or causes these young ladies or their family any further distress I will bury you. I have a lawyer in the family works for a firm in Houston. She'd be willing to do dome pro-bono work for her little brother, and considering she's a mom herself she won't be happy with you." Edwin pulled out the handcuffs and said, "You have to the count of five to be heading off of this porch and to your car. Otherwise I will cuff you and ride you in on my Harley. Your call." He took a deep breath and said, "1,2,3,..."