Natasha rested her head against Clint as he wrapped his arms around her. She felt tired lying in that bed unable to move or go anywhere else. Not to mention all the medication that had her on. It wasn't long for her to fall asleep yet again in Clint's arms. She hoped, as she drifted off, that she wouldn't have to wake again in a cold sweat. The nurse came in shortly after and noticed the sleeping woman. She smiled and walked over to Barton and handed him a bottle of small pills, "Two every four hours or as needed. No less that two hours in between," she whispered. She walked to the other side of the bed and hung a bag on the stand next to Natasha's bed. As she hooked up the clear fluid filled bag, she looked at Clint, "We are putting her on Morphine. We were hoping that we wouldn't have to as it does cause a few unwanted side effects but we are hoping in the low dose we are giving her that she'll be fine and it will help keep her from pulling out her IVs. We don't want to make her feel like she is trapped, so we are hoping that this will keep her calm enough to prevent anymore panic attacks when she wakes up. However, she might be a little... well... out of it," She looked the two of them over, Natasha had to lie on her back which, even when she moved over left little room for Barton, "Would you like me to grab you a pillow or blanket."