[u]Kayle[/u] It had been a day into hyperspace and most of the crew had been spending their hours adjusting, from navigating the vast interior to settling into their new quarters. Most had been busy cooping with the fact they were locked away in a metal beast and deep into space, something a few hadn’t been exactly prepared to handle. Kay was one of the lucky ones. Due to her spending a few years in the underground base, her senses and mind had adapted fairly well. Once settled in, she naturally had sought company among both the Jaffa and Tok’ra to increase her Goa’uld vocabulary and provided ideal practice. She was rather pleased to notice how far she had come since she was first introduced to the language. Kay had been careful about her time spent between the two races and had admitted to finding it hard to as the Jaffa weren’t exactly the most conversational bunch that helped her. It didn’t help she was enjoying her time spent in Ariadne and Idalia company best. Though she still had a bit of difficulty in telling the two apart, there were times the speech pattern and mannerisms hadn’t exactly matched moments before. It was a good indicator but the most reliable in Kay’s opinion, her mind forced to seek out another to better her chances at correct guesses. The time had seemed to fly by rather faster than Kay expected when the Strike-Team One, among others, had been called in for a meeting. She was among the first to arrive. Kay was dressed appropriately for the occasion in her uniform, her hands folded over with fingers intertwined as her feet were firmly planted upon the grey colored carpet. The area itself was an average conference room from the pale yellow paint job down to the long mahogany table running through the center and surrounded by semi comfortable chairs. There were two people at the table’s end. A Captain Catherine Black, a dark haired and rather tall woman. Alongside her was the older IOA, Mr. Williams. After the last person, the elderly medical examiner, had taken a seat the IOA began his addressing for the meeting. He leaned forward to click on the recorder, formally announcing the purpose, date and time before getting to the objective intelligence. Kay’s appearance seemed calm but under the surface, her excitement and nervousness had started to bubble rapidly. This would be her first mission, a test of her skills in the field. She needed to succeed, fail wasn’t an option in her mind and she would be damned if she fell short meeting the expectations on her. Her hand lifted when the file had been slid over to her then trapped it under her fingers easily. Kay picked it up and started to read it, her eyes skimmed over the information while listening to the briefing. From the sounds of it, the planet wouldn’t have been too hard to work on since it was like Earth’s climate and would at least provide some familiarity. The bit about Goa’uld had caught her attention fairly quickly. Once the request about any questions had occurred, Kay had placed down her file and looked at both the Captain and IOA. Her voice was calm and firm, with only a hint of curiosity. “I’ve one. Has anything happened that makes the IOA suspect Goa’uld presence upon the planet other than precaution, Sir?” [u]Joseph[/u] Had been in his office when Dr. Niven had walked in and delivered the news he was to attend a meeting instead of him! Naturally Joseph’s face glared at the man, his skin rather red with slight temper and seemed to bore down on the unexpected man. His sour mood only became worse after fighting him on it. It was much worse when Dr. Niven used his authority, a right given due to Joseph’s decline, in order to get him to attend and took over his current patient in waiting. Needless to say the doctor was in a very sour mood upon arriving into the conference room. As Joseph took a seat, his mind kept repeating Dr. Niven’s last words to him when he begrudgingly headed out the door. ‘I can’t stand those meetings and much rather deal with the patients then a stuffy conference room with the IOA and Captain glaring down over me.’ The IOA’s voice interrupted his thoughts, his head tilted up to listen. His arm reached across the table to retrieve his file and the other hand went for his reading glasses attached to his coat pocket. Gently flicked them out, he placed them upon his eyes and started to read the information about the planet. It wasn’t too different from what the IOA was talking about other than a few extra details related to his side of things. When the man finally finished, one of the military personal had started off the questions with one that seemed rather odd to ask. He placed his file down to watch the scene play out.