Hello guys :D! I hope you're having a nice day, I'll have the IC post up soon. How is everyone doing? Edit: The IC post is up and guys I was thinking the watches would be something like this, but with fancy buttons. [img]http://www.tuvie.com/wp-content/uploads/wolo-holographic-watch-by-anurag-sarda3.jpg[/img] They'd show the time but aside from that would have holographic maps and messages. It'll allow the couriers to receive and send coordinates and will allow them to communicate with each other and their mentors. Each watch will have something like a friend code that couriers send to each other. The friend code thing will work like a phone number and it'll allow the couriers to find out where their friends are at. I was thinking the watches would work kinda like this. What do you guys think (^w^)/ questions or suggestions? [img]http://techsfuture.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/holo2.jpg[/img]