Name: — Alias: The Sock Puppet Psycho Age: 13 Class: Shadow Ventriloquist; Shadow Ventriloquists can use their own set of skills and abilities, but mainly rely on the abilities of their puppet. This gives them a huge amount of versatility and a wide range of skills. For example, Psycho is a melee combatant, but his puppet uses ranged magicks. Level: 1 Combat Mode: Physical Melee Core Ability: Dual Madness; this allows Psycho to switch between personas and skill sets when he dons his sock puppet, though he has very little control over it. Weapon: A giant meat cleaver, [hider= Sammy the Sock Puppet]Name: Sammy Alias: The Sock Puppet Age: N/A Class: Ego Puppet; Sammy has an ego and will all his own, and threatens to overwhelm any host who wields him. He manifests the dark desires of his host and concentrates them into shadowy balls of malice, then hurls them at the enemy. Level: 1 Combat Mode: Magical Ranged Core Ability: Shadow Wrath; This ability permits Sammy to feed off the dark impulses of whoever uses him. He can manipulate these twisted thoughts into dark magical spells. This effect serves as both a powerful attack, but also an outlet for the host’s aggression. Weapon: N/A Appearance: A worn and dirty sock puppet with one googly eye and one purple button eye. History: After so much time and energy had been put into the sock, he developed a very strong and extremely evil persona of his own. Catch Phrase: TBD [url=]Character Statistics:[/url] [url=]Hit Points[/url]: 10 Strength: 8 (-1) Agility: 13 (+1) Intelligence: 15 (+2) Willpower: 14 (+2) Vigor: 13 (+1) Current Skills: Skill Name: Shadowball Level Obtained: 1 Damage Type: Magical Ranged Element Type: Dark Effect: Shadowball must charge up for one post, but then releases a shadowy orb of malice toward the enemy like a heat-seeking missile of hatred. [/hider] Appearance: [hider=Image][img][/img][/hider] History: Psycho was always a bit of a loner; he most enjoyed the quiet moments of solitude spent in his room. One day, to ease his loneliness, he started talking to his sock-veiled hand… It snowballed from there. Theme: [url=]Frontier Psychaitrist[/url] Catch Phrase: [Maniacal Laughter] [url=]Character Statistics: [/url] [url=]Hit Points: 13[/url] Strength: 16 (+3) Agility: 13 (+1) Intelligence: 9 (0) Willpower: 8 (-1) Vigor : 11 (0) [hider= Current Skills] Skill Name: Slash and Hack Level Obtained: 1 Damage Type: Physical melee Element Type: N/A Effect: Slash and Hack attacks the opponent with massive meat cleaver, causing immediate physical damage and has a 50% chance to inflict bleeding which leads to damage over time. (Bleeding damage is half of the physical attack damage for two rounds; cool down of two posts) [/hider]