Hello there everybody. You can call me Enso. I used to RP quite a bit but I haven't in a few years and I'm hoping to get back into it so here I am! I'm really hoping to meet some great people and get involved with some awesome RPs. I used to really like medieval, fantasy and sci-fi RPs and I would get into slice of life RPs and anime ones as well, so we'll see what I find myself enjoying here, I'm pretty open to anything anyone might want to throw into an RP and I might come up with some good ones myself at some point, but for the moment I don't have any good ideas, but that might change at any time. Anyway, it'll be nice to meet you all and I can't wait to get involved in some good RPs. Have a good evening/night/day/morning/whatever-time-of-day-it-is-for-you.