Tatsuki cringes inwardly, feeling the small waves of unease coming off of the young man sitting beside him. [i]'I suppose I should have waited a bit on those particular aspects of my “life”. Or perhaps not have mentioned them at all. He was just looking for tales from other lands. . . .'[/i] His thought trail off as he glances at Shigetoshi. He smiles gently as the young innkeeper complements the meal, commenting on the other patron's enjoyment. [i]'He is a good host. For some reason, I do not feel the need to hide so much around him as I normally would a mortal. It could just be the recent stress, however. . . .'[/i] Raising his fingers to his lips Tatsuki carefully licks off a bit of sauce that had made it's way on to them, and hums softly at the pleasing flavor, sucking one finger slightly. [b]“I can listen.”[/b] There is a light smacking sound as he pulls his finger out. His eye seem to be locked on a distant point as a faint tingle passes across his stomach. [i]'So, he opening a door for me. A door to speak truthfully with him. I suppose this is a good thing. It will definitely help, should I choose to accept'[/i] Slowly his hand drops back down, picking up his chopsticks and carefully positioning them in his grasp. [i]'If I say too much, I can simply remove that memory. I have always been careful though, I believe I can avoid such things. . .'[/i] Turning his head slightly so he can see the young man with both eyes he simply looks at him thoughtfully for a long moment. He blinks slowly, the look on his face quite neutral. [i]'He is rather confused, torn almost. I wonder if he's afraid of me. My story could most definitely translated many ways, most of which are not pleasant'[/i] With a sigh he smiles comfortably at Shigetoshi and murmurs, “Thank you.” After another few seconds he looks back to his food and continues eating.