Leaping from the Larty CT-1444 landed on semi-solid ground and immediately took in his surroundings. Troopers all around him were laying heavy fire into the amassing droid forces, attempting to clear a path to get out the remaining Jedi. CT-1444, also known as Wolf to his comrades, watched as the droids swelled up to meet this new threat. Bringing his DC-15A to bear, Wolf quickly sighted and dispatched two battle droids. As he sighted a third, he realized that the droid's were closing in quickly. Firing once again, Wolf took down the third droid before pivoting to avoid blaster fire from another. Ramming his rifle into a B1's midsection, Wolf opened fire, punching a hole right through it and dropping it like a pile of scrap. Switching to his DC-15S, Wolf began firing indiscriminately into the throng of droids. Despite his best efforts and the efforts of the troopers around him, they didn't seem to be making much of a dent in the ever growing droid numbers. Between the blasterfire, Wolf heard as Falcon called out the order for Alpha squad to reconvene and extract the Jedi. Pulling out his sidearm Wolf sprinted forwards with several of his comrades. Firing now with both his DC-15S and his pistol, Wolf carved a violent path through the droids. He felt a shot glance off his side and quickly responded by whipping his pistol around to take off the head of the droid that shot him. Quickly assessing the damage, Wolf concluded the damage to be minimal and continued on his charge to reach the small group of Jedi. After several more seconds Wolf reached the perimeter of the survivors and turned his attention to dispatching any droids that came too close to the Jedi. The shadows overhead alerted Wolf to the approaching LAAT/i's. Continuing to focus on eliminating the droids surrounding the evacuating Jedi, Wolf gestured at them to get to the ships. As they passed him by, he quickly closed in behind them defending their retreat. Wolf fired shot after shot into the approaching droids and slowly backed his way towards Striker Eureka. Only once the last of the Jedi had entered the ship would Wolf board. Turning his attention back to the droids, Wolf hoped that time would come soon.