Not sure if anyone else cares, but I'm a big fan of the Riddick franchise. So apparently Diesel and the director of the Riddick movies had been saying if [I]Riddick[/I] performed well enough at the box office that they were planning on another two sequels to give the series a legitimate, final conclusion so as not to leave it open-ended. Now, Diesel actually revived the franchise with a lot of his own money after a pretty big let down from the Chronicles movie (Budget was 105m, the movie only grossed a total 115m). You can go look that up yourself, though. Pretty interesting to read about an actor who enjoys a role so much. So after finally seeing the new movie a few days ago, I went looking around. The shooting budget for the new film was a very small $38m, miniscule when compared to the monster budget of the Chronicles movie. However, after a little poking around I found the box office. Domestically, Riddick so far has earned $42m, while in foreign countries, it's earned another $56m. So, this $38m budget movie ended up grossing nearly $100m worldwide, and that's not even counting the DVD and Blu-Ray sales now that the movie is out. I think I'd call that a pretty big success. So, I'm excited. Just thought I'd share.