Zen-Aku looked around as the monster attempted to intervene, Blocking the beam with his cresent-moon blade, he deflected it towards the wall, where it froze solid "THIS QUARRY IS MINE!!!" he roared. The hologram behind him looked between the monsters as though to simulate sizing up the situation. "Ptera, retreat for now!" It said, before the Pterazord swooped in and they both disappeared in a blob of black light. Zen-Aku lashed his hand out, sending a bolt of lightning at it, but he timed it right and they disappeared just before the attacks made contact. He then turned around and growled at the monster. "You made possible my enemies escape, you worm." he marched towards it and shoved the creasent moon blade to its throat "I should take your pathetic head instead... Although at the moment, i'm considering if your head is worth more than the pittance of my energy necessary to take it." he said. "Who sent you to intervene?"