[quote=VenatrixXII]Logan can also make out with a French vixen but she wouldn't know... unless his leprechaun magic aids him against the Veela's powers of having him act all macho and impressive. Later on she could try to tear his throat out, kinda like that transformers scene where she tries to kill him with seducing.[/quote] T'was only a joke, don't take most of my meanderings seriously. Though the Leprechaun magic having subtle affects on other magical creatures and Muggles would be a neat thing to pursue, depends on how deep we want to roll with the Leprechaun mythos, most of J.K.'s magical creatures seemed rather stereotypical, at least in my opinion. [quote=VenatrixXII]I think I might make Dale susceptible to their effect too, but not because she's interested, just a derp. :P[/quote] Man, is nobody going to be interested in Logan for a legitimate reason? :lol I suppose Logan will just be stuck as the odd Leprechaun out in that regard. [S]No love for the midget.[/s] [quote=Doctor Belasco].Johann plus Veela is going to be rather worrying, just so you know. I suggest running quite far away.[/quote] This now must happen, and I will be very disappointed if it doesn't. [quote=Doctor Belasco]That said, aren't Veela Eastern European rather than Western? They're mascots for Bulgaria, and I'm pretty sure Veela are actually already characters in Slavic mythology suggestion Eastern origins.[/quote] Yes, but doesn't Fleur being half(?) Veela prove that they can be found all over Europe rather than their central influence in the East? I myself would prefer to run into them when we hit Germany or Bulgaria or what have you if we run into them at all, I mean, I doubt we'll be running into any Leprechauns outside of Ireland, no?