Well, Matilda thought, that was the one of the better responses to one of her freak-out facts. She decided to take that as a win. When Saxon introduced himself, she nodded along politely. "Matilda," she offered simply, though her heart sank when he paused by the doorway of her next class. She had only just managed to salvage a conversation and now he had a whole hour to see how weird she was. Shrugging, she marched inside the classroom, shooting him a grin as she walked past. Not much she could do about it now There wasn't many people in the class; a girl with a mini skirt chatting to another boy, and one boy who seemed to have a fake eye....surely it was just the crazy fashion trends people were into these days - though it did look very realistic and high tech. Matilda found herself staring, then realised it could be considered rude and looked down hurriedly. She spotted a small, shy-looking girl sat alone and looking mentally conflicted. Slightly daunted by this new place, she slid into a chair besides her - figuring she seemed the least intimidating - and shot her a small smile. Matilda then found herself checking there was another empty chair nearby, just in case Saxon...never mind.