Cassandra held the seat belt tightly. If she pretended not to notice the horns or the yelling then she might even get through this without dying of a heart attack. Henry always drove so… illegally. Cassandra knew that should have just used a modified flame spell that would allow her to jet around places. That would have been safer than getting in the car with Henry. She recoiled when Finnegan squeezed her arm, but relaxed at his words. "Feminist? Like the suffragettes? I didn't know they still existed, but… why does that have to result in her being mean to me? I'm really trying… I'm really trying to be friends with you guys…" she didn't voice why she was scared to reach out to them too much. She always figured that sooner or later they'd go away too, like her old family. Everyone died, after all, and she couldn't help but wonder how long until she was alone again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound whiny…" It was terrifying when you weren't sure what to expect from someone. Would they lash out at her, or would they be friendly. She liked Max though, she wished she had that kind of social courage. He was always so excited and not afraid of anything. She wished she could get that excited about possibly facing off with Satan, but it felt like she was swallowing glass when she thought about it. She wished she had her e-reader grimoire, so she could read up on spells she could use to neutralize the reanimated body.