[hider=What’s happened over the break] As soon as the blast came towards him a red, and black arm reached up to deflect the attack. Armstrong's hand was covered in bio armor, but not just anyone. Kira could feel Dues shaking in complete terror as she stepped back. "we have to run. We have to run right fucking now," She said. Kira didn't need for anything more to be said he just jumped back through the doors as he said: "give me something that explodes, we need to take the building down" "R-R-Right," Dues said stuttering because she was so scared. "Well Armstrong? Don't just stand there. Go after them," A cold male voice said. [i]Damn my daughter... Some days I just don't know what to do with that girl[/i] Kira said: "snap out of it Dues, we are already at disadvantage, let's not give him a fightless win" as he got more distance from him [4/15/2014 6:47:24 PM] Arielle: Dues nodded as he created a grenade launcher out of the gun in Kira's hand. She was faster, and stronger than the others. She was scared because she knew what her father would do to her. After all she was his only child. Kria said: "thanks" and started shooting the critical points of the building, he had spent time checking the building over and already knew what to crack, after he had hit most of the points near him (which where in nearby rooms) me shoot a grenade at his feets and jumped down the hole Before Kira got away Armstrong grabbed Kira by the face. Soon blasting him back, and slammed him into the ground as he caught him. Slamming his head repeatedly into the ground. Kira didn't resist the grabbing, he follow the movement with his face and moved his body on his arm and legs on his neck and tried to break his arm using his whole body strength Armstrong growled out as he used tendrils to slip through Kira's grip. He then chuckled as he sent an energy pulse straight into Kira's chest. "You've been naughty Dues. It's time you got your spanking," He said laughing. Kira said: "dues just blast the floor underneath us, and keep on blasting it until the ground floor, then we just run away" Dues was shaking as she looked at her Armstrong she couldn't think straight. She was just so scared, she'd thought she had time to prepare. She thought the worse they'd face off against was some peons. Not the final boss first, this was not right. This wasn't fair tears began to stream down Kira's cheeks. As Dues was crying in complete fear. Kira said angrily: "snap out of it dues! not time for tears, you can cry all you want after we get out of here, don't dissapoint me!" Dues nodded, and began to shoot pulses to destroy the floor, She kept doing it till they got to the ground floor. Armstrong was coming after them however. Dues thought fast, and used jets at their feet to blast off, and start flying. She kept going till she was certain that Armstrong had lost them. She began to gasp, and shake as she receded into Kira. She curled into a ball crying in fear. Kira didn't stop though he ran and hijacked a car and drove to his car, who was parked away from the offices and got into his car and drove away, he got his cellphone and called the good guys" and let them track his phone "He's not supposed to be here. He's not supposed to be here," Dues said repeatedly like a broken record. Kira drove outside the city not minding her as he was more inclined to make not leave tracks, and once he was outside the city he said to dues: "well he obviously is, i fucking hate life, see that? that's my whole life, i can't fucking manage to do anything that could make my life easier or better" "I... I should tell you something. My Armstrong... Is my father, it's why he is here. It's why he wont let me go, and why you won't die. Along with why I was successful at getting here. He let me escape. I should have seen it. I should have known why. But, I was arrogant... Of course, my host died before I even landed. He must have known. He must have, and he let me get here to save me. Why... Why was I so blind," Dues said crying as she shook. Kira said: "well, the fact that he doesn't want us dead is a something in our favor, if you really want him dead" [/hider] “I don’t even know if I do anymore… I don’t know what to believe anymore. I’m scared Kira, I’ve always been scared of my father. Even if he treated me well, I’m scared of him,” Dues said.