Tavis nodded to each of the ground crew after the introductions were finished. The Krogan was more polite than the other Krogan's he'd met in the past. They'd just want to get down to business or want to only communicate with other Krogans. This one seemed more reasonable. He hadn't formulated an opinion about the Human yet, too little information. He watched as, Talus moved to the bridge before promptly meeting their new pilots hand. He seemed rather cocky, he hoped it wouldn't endanger any missions they went on. He felt a bit of anger when the pilot called them 'grunt types' but it soon passed, he wasn't one to hold grudges. Soon enough, the intercom sounded and informed them that they were wanted in the conference room. Tavis' first mission with an Alliance regulated group. He wasn't sure if he felt happiness or a sense of restriction. Nothing he could do about it now though, the pay was good and he got to have his name down in history, even if it might have just been a footnote to commander Shepard's achievements. He made his way into the elevator after the Turian and waited for it to arrive at the right floor. He exited out after, Talus and stood near the table, his head just peeking over it. The room was pretty dull, a bit of colour would have been nice even if it was just to break the monotony of the white that surrounded the conference room. He hoped the first mission wasn't something to hectic, dealing with foreigners was always a pain when they couldn't take you seriously for race differences.