A person in red approaches the city of Aldarich, well, two actually, one being carried by the first one. The pair were quite a loud, well, the carried one was loud, he was swearing, shouting death threats and even trying to strike deals, but he was quickly shut up when the carrier smacked him across the face with his right hand. They approached the city quickly at a steady pace, and soon enough it would be only minutes away, the man who, along with his now obvious prisoner, carried eight swords with him, and without a doubt some of them would soon enough taste blood, as six men appeared from both sides of the road, they were brutes and bandits, most of them atleast. Some of them were a bit smaller and relied to long range weaponry from afar, one of them shouts at the man."Alright there you asstard, let the bossman go before we hack, slash, cut and burn your ass to ground!" The shout has enough impact on the man to stop and glance at the surroundings, counting the six men down and letting out a sigh."I have no intention to do that." He then replies and locks his green eyes to the speaker."You are the second in command, hm? I have no interest in you, so run along, take over the group and go get yourself a name, so I can come and take your head too." He states and takes one step forward, only to stop and sigh again when his path is blocked. "You let him go NOW, and we will only beat you to blue, a'ight? You do not even know do you? You are laying your hands on the king of these roads, dumbass!" This last comment pulls loud, mocking laughter out of the man, and he drops the addressed bandit down."Oh, that made my day kid." He then kicks the bandit to the side and takes a step back, landing his hands on two hilts of his swords."To be a king, first requires one to be a man. I see neither in this lowlife. 'Cayne the Ladykiller', a woman hating, probably manloving, scum of a person. He wouldn't even have these whole 20 thousand on his head without him, probably by accident, killing off the wife of the high counselor. So, you know, scram, let me be on with my business and.." He was rudely interrupted by a large thug, who swung his sharplooking axe towards his head, apparently he had enough of the bounty hunter and his arrogant mockery of their great leader or so. Too bad for the bandit, his attack swung past the ducking man."I guess that is a no then." He states as his voice turns cold. His hands grip the two hilts and the nearly invisible runes on his worn armor light up blue, he pulls out a straightsword to his left hand, and a katana to the right one, moving his right foot down a bit and then suddenly kicking his left one, both sending sand and dust in the air, and launching himself into a spin as the bandits attack towards him. Axes and swords rise to strike, but the man and his weapons were clearly faster than the ones bandits were using. The first bandit falls with his throat slit wide open before he can even blink, while two others blink and try to focus their aim half blind from the sand and dust, the only seeing bandit at close range lifts his sword to parry an incoming attack from the spinning man, but his sword is knocked aside by a heavy strike from his straightsword, and before the bandit has a chance to protect himself again, the sharp, curvy blade cuts his stomach open, and the bounty hunter leaps in the air, just in time to evade the pair of heavy axes from the other thugs, and he lands right on this poor bandit who tries to keep his guts it, knocking him down on his back. The hunter slashes into thin air, and his blades clean from blood before his slides the weapons back into their scrabbards, only to switch out a broadsword and a scimitar. He turns around and lifts the two blades, catching an incoming blade of an axe between them, he kicks the bandit wielding the axe right below his self esteem and tips him over the firing line of a bandit who just fired his crossbow, right at his comrade's back of the head. The last standing thug curses the bounty hunter, his family and friends and anyone he has ever come in contact with and swings his axe at him, barely missing due him dodging the attack and he slips the broadsword away, pulling out another katana instead. He takes a backstep and evades yet another attack."Every step, every strike, fueled with anger, not with skill. And that is why you die." He states coldly and sidesteps, both dodging another bolt and the axe."You are afraid of the lack of your own might, am I right?" He asks and sprints past the thug, swinging his swords at him and cutting his right flank right open, turning around and jumping on his back, bashing him to ground and slashing his swords to both sides of his neck, swiftly backflipping of and leaving him bleed. As he lands, he turns to face the bandits with the crossbows, they both are strugling with reloading their weapons with their shaky hands, he simply stares at them, and takes one step onward. Another bandit drops his weapon and turns, running away, while the other one simply falls on his rear and soils himself. The bountyhunter shakes his head and sheathes his blades before cleaning them again with swift strikes in the air. He walks back over to the groaning leader of this group and lifts him onto his shoulder, heading back to the city again, the glow all over him fades away. He manages to take three steps before he hears a click, and feels an impact on his shoulder as a bolt hits it, shot from a crossbow.He simply turns halfway towards the bandit sitting on the ground and glares at him, he drops the crossbow and begins to shake."Go home kid. Go home, and ask your mother for a cake." He laughs and turns towards the city again, leaving the bandit behind to shake in fear all he wanted. After that little incident the bounty hunter, Lazarus, finally makes it to the city, of course first of he has to show the face of his prisoner to the guardsmen, both from the living being and the wanted poster he carries along, also he makes a request for one of them to yank the annoying bolt from his shoulder. Finally he gets to continue his journey towards the center of the city, or at least some spot close to the center, as long as there are enough people as crowd there he's fine with it. His eyes glance around a bit and he mumbles to himself."It has been a while..."