The Doctor was walking around, it looked like a battle had gone on, He knew it would unlikely that many had survived, or if anybody had. Though there had been some signal so he assumed somebody had survived. He though knew if somebody had survived, that he should rescue them, he couldn't really leave them on this planet. Really he didn't think the planet itself would last much longer. He wondered how long he had to get anybody out of here. Walking around the Doctor was silent. It made him sad to know another race had been basically wiped out. He stood still as he thought he heard a girl calling out for her mother. He knew that it as likely the girls mother would be gone. He figured the girl was the one that had sent the signal. The Doctor approached carefully, He saw that she was crying "Hey are you alright?" He asked her. He offered his hand to help her to her feet. He looked around at the bodies and sighed sadly. He knew how painful it was to loose your own people. Even if he had been the one to cause the destruction of his own kind. A decision he regretted to this day, but it had seemed the only way at the time. The time war had really changed the Doctor's outlook on things, He didn't want to see another being loose their own people. It was too late too save her species. But he knew at least he could save her. "I know how it feels to loose your people." He replied softly. He was looking at her. He knew that all he could do was offer her a way out. He knew loosing your home and people hurt, but when there was a chance to survive you would take it right? "I can offer you a way out," The Doctor was looking at her "I'm the Doctor." he could see her mother's body, he didn't know it was her mother, he just knew that they were somebody important to him. He pointed to his ship in the distance "I have a ship." he knew she would be upset. He wasn't sure how many of his words would be comforting to her. The Doctor knew that it would still be painful, he wasn't even sure if she was going to accept his help or just yell and want him to leave. Either way he didn't want to leave her here. But he knew some creatures and beings would rather die then be the last one left. Sometimes the Doctor did wonder if being the last one left was worth it. What could he do to help, except get her out. He knew that there wasn't much other choice. But he knew that he needed to give her the decision even if he really didn't want to just leave her if she said no. "Doesn't look like the planet itself will last much longer." He muttered, He knew that getting off the planet maybe a rough ride. He was still a bit sore from how he had landed.