Jovalyn continued her pained stumble towards a stack of rocks she was almost positive wasn't some form of native plant. Oh, how she loathed the effulgent sun, with its piercing rays that shot across her porcelain skin and bore into her eyes. She was going to give whoever yelled, whatever yelled, a thrashing that would possibly make the prospect of offspring less of a decision and more of a finality. Maybe after that she'd even let him die. There was a wounded bird woman that seemed like something she would care about, but not really. If she couldn't make it to the beginning of their journey unwounded, the bird woman would only slow them down. It was best to let her bleed out at the worlds end, or beginning, possibly both. It was hard for Jovalyn to understand anything that wasn't absolutely cyclical in nature. With the pleasant thought of murdering the shouting man bubbling in her mind - then exploding painfully like fireworks - she paid the vaguest attention to the cluster of things around her. They were like a shipwreck that had landed in the plains, senseless and disoriented going towards the same thing with varying wills to do so. One of them was a goblin. Sam, who she paid special attention to, was absolutely failing at the simple task of reaching rocks. He had foolishly decided to defend an Orc, rather than butcher it and scatter the remains. This of course ended with him almost being trampled by a horse; Jovalyn couldn't help but laugh. She slumped forward, spear dug into the ground. If she could just focus on Sam's suffering, she might be able to make it to the rocks on that energy alone.