Advanced Form: Name: Age: Gender: Conduit/Citizen/Gang Member(pick one): Powers: Any affiliations: ((Here, you can put that your character is affiliated in any way. Yes, this includes dropouts from Gangs.)) History: Appearance: Personality: Appearance Form (Optional. One of these things on appearance needs filled though. That much is required.) Eye color: Hair color: Skin color: Clothing style (How do they usually dress?): End Appearance Form: Karma effects on appearance and powers ((Completely optional, but it shows thought on your part if you fill this out. Please fill in both ends of the spectrum so you have the option to go either way.)) Hero: Champion: Guardian: Neutral: Thug: Outlaw: inFamous: Before you randomly create a character, you might want to think it through a bit. Here are the options for character types: Conduits Name: Gender: Power: Age: Weapons and Attacks used: Alliances: Brief History: Appearance: Karmic Rank: Neutral Personality: Civilian Name: Gender: Age: Weapons: Social Class: Associations: Brief History: Appearance: Personality: