Annnnnd the site is back up. You'd of thought during the down time I'd of gotten stuff down, but nope! But okay, I'm around for the next few days and will have time to spare. Generally speaking I am free for a lot of the time, but every now and then events from the outside world take over. For example, I've got a friend's wedding to attend on Saturday, which means I gotta spend most of friday getting everything ready... and to convince my gf that the first thing she tried on looked fine, and that there's no need to try on another thirty combinations. All of that said, I will have time to get this hashed out, no probs. Here's what's going to happen: - First things first, I'm going to slightly rework the RP. By rework I mean to expand the introductory post a bit; old character sheets will still apply and can be copied/pasted to their new home, so you guys haven't got much to do. However, I need to include the Alliance's (its name for now) history, layout, member settlements, some sparse details on them and their inhabitants. Player characters will then be able to come from settlements outside of Independence, although considering how close these settlements are to each other, that shouldn't mess too much with anyone's back story. It will however offer more variety, as each of the settlements harbours its own religion and psychology. - I will also leave a blank section for the aliens, which is something I need to mull over. When they enter the RP, this section will be updated to include their appearences, and types of equipment in use, with plenty of room for players to go ahead and bring in their own stuff. I've made the mistake before of trying to give everything it's own ironclad lore, which takes too much time and depletes external creativity. - Once I've gone to the trouble of writing it all out, the RP will be posted, with the OOC section and seperate character sheet thread. I'm not one to sit around and let things die, so I'm putting a 48 hour deadline on this thing to be finished. In the meantime, you guys can keep throwing ideas around. Like mentioned, I'm going to avoid making the world too detailed, for practical and creative reasons. Stay tuned, I'll have something up ASAP.